You are given an array S[1 . . . n] of real numbers, some positive and some negative.
Design an O(n log n)-time algorithm that determines whether S contains two elements S[i] and S[j] such that S[i] = −S[j]. The algorithm returns a “yes” if there is such a pair, and “no” otherwise. If the array S contains the element 0, then the algorithm always returns a “yes”.
Your algorithm has to be in-place (i.e. you can use only constant additional memory).
I solved it using Heap Sort, but is there any other solution? Because it is assumed that the student doesn't know Heap Sort yet.
sort and two pointers Lyova.
Yeah I did the same two-pointer thing! But what about the sorting part? which sort do you mean Sparlik? For example quick sort is O(n^2) in worst case. Merge Sort uses additional memory. (not in-place)
It is not assumed that the student must know Heap sort at this point of time.
That's why I am looking for an algorithmic solution (like a divide-and-conquer algorithm).
there is an in-place version of mergesort bitch.
Look on the Wiki page you mouse-faced faggot!
Quicksort can be written in in the worst case since one can find a median in linear time.
Could you please provide a link to an article where Quicksort is implemented in nlogn in the worst case. Because selecting random pivot takes O(1) and that's why algorithm runs in nlogn, if you waste N time to find the median, I believe the algorithm will run in O(n^2).
Google something like
linear time median
.Quicksort runs in because in each step we do something in O(r - l) time and then call
sort(l, mid)
andsort(mid + 1, r)
~(l + r) / 2
.So we can find median in O(r - l) time using algorithm which splits array into
groups, for example.I made you my bitch!
Fuck Off.
it's for data structures with only
operation allowed. However, we can use linked list in this problem. For linked lists, stable in-place merge algorithm is trivial.You cannot use additional memory like a linked list. (as I mentioned we are asked for an in-place algorithm)