Happy new 2015 year!!! Hope that everyone celebrates it very cheerfully and wish you to achieve every target that you have for this year!
Tomorrow will be next SRM #644 at 07:00 EST.
Good luck and have fun to participants!!!
# | User | Rating |
1 | tourist | 3857 |
2 | jiangly | 3747 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3591 |
6 | gamegame | 3477 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3463 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
10 | heuristica | 3431 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 165 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 161 |
3 | Qingyu | 160 |
4 | Dominater069 | 158 |
5 | atcoder_official | 157 |
6 | adamant | 155 |
7 | Um_nik | 152 |
8 | djm03178 | 151 |
9 | luogu_official | 149 |
10 | awoo | 148 |
Happy new 2015 year!!! Hope that everyone celebrates it very cheerfully and wish you to achieve every target that you have for this year!
Tomorrow will be next SRM #644 at 07:00 EST.
Good luck and have fun to participants!!!
Name |
Hey. Happy New Year. Thanks for the announcement but it's more practical to post the time as a link.
Can anyone post the date and time link, in all timezones? Ty in advance.
Match page, Timeanddate
How do one find match page? I didn't manage to do that
I've used next SRM in old (red/black) interface
From main page
, but there is just a calendar I do not know how to navigate from this, to SRM details page (which is possible by click in old out of date calendar, which is missing year 2015 :-/ )Topcoder website is so hard to navigate......I can't even find the official SRM schedule......
can anyone post the official link?
I agree with hiukim, old version was difficult to navigate in, but new version is even worse, without Google I'm lost completely :-D
Kvark161 navigate doesn't mean the same as "have proper link bookmarked", just an opinion...
Thanks for the reminder
Is arena down just for me or for everybody?
Same here
Went down for me at the exact same instant I clicked to open a problem D:
Yup, down.
I saw two people in my room submit successfully. When I tried to compile, it didn't work.
i solved 250! then unable to open 500 and tried re-login and it failed
I can not login to arena
Me neither. Looks like another unrated SRM.
I couldn't compile my 250, so I tried to restart the arena. Now I can't log in.
Smells like an unrated round :(
The worst thing is that the problems can't be reused as we have already seen them. If problems occurred just 10 minutes earlier, the contest could have been postponed.
Looking at TC during last few months — they should write a book "33 recipes how to decrease number of participants in your contests".
Compiling — your request timed out
You can log in now,but there is not "Active Contest"
You cannot compile in a contest that is not active
What about Compiling — You cannot compile in a contest that's not active!!!
And first SRM of the year...
It's up now, round will be reloaded.
Still doesn't work for me.
Doesn't work for me either. Anyone else?
works for me, but no one can compile code
Same stuff, "You cannot compile in a contest that is not active"
.. and now it logged me off and won't let me log in
Go back to codechef long? :D
same for me
me too :(
I'm not.
Regrettably, today's round is still not working, and will have to be cancelled. Practice rooms will be added later, once arena issues are identified and corrected.
excuse me, are you a topcoder staff?
I did get the message too but little later.
Nah, just posted the message here because lot of users are unable to open the message.
It's totally dead. Someone's getting fired at Topcoder.
Problem Setter try to do their best in writing the problem and their bad luck that Round become unrated due to sites problem Sad.
They get paid for writing problems, so it's not like his work was worthless.
Money is not everything. And preparing problems are very tough otherwise everyday would have been a topcoder/codeforces round. Respect the writer who create beautiful thinking problems.
It's not enough to compensate for the huge amount of work preparing a contest is. The problemsetter probably just wanted to see other people solving his problems, and now he'll have to work hard again for it...
The fall of topcoder
>implying it hadn't started way ago...
It seems to have some broadcast messages from TC admins, but I can't open it. Can anyone see it?
Edit: It was:
Yes, screenshot of messages is here
Meanwhile the TC admins...
Compile error
jajjaa, Let me finish to write all the code, lol!
did you mean " who_Is_Better "?
Oh, my bad. By the way, How can I put a code in a comment here?
put it in "block"
So, if both fail, TC is better? :D
jajjajja, Let me ADD this condition. Thanks.
EDIT: For silly mistakes like this I fail systest frequently in both, TC and CF.
My first successful hack!
+1, I was hacked ... but at the end, I gained something very important: "BE PENDING TO SMALL DETAILS". BTW, my solution was hacked by you, kingofnumbers and dalex. It seems like I had a wrong Function name.
Bumping, it seems the arena is back up and the round has been added to practice.
I started writing down solutions for recent problems without editorials here, today's hard problem (the only one I saw before shit happened, the other ones might be added soon) is there already.