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saptarshikuar2003's blog

By saptarshikuar2003, history, 3 hours ago, In English

1788B — Sum of Two Numbers Let's assume that there is no carry while adding x and y . Denote n=a9⋯a1a0 , x=b9⋯b1b0 , y=c9⋯c1c0 in decimal system. The condition can be changed as the following condition.

  • ai=bi+ci for all 0≤i≤9 . — Sum of bi and sum of ci should differ by at most 1 .

If ai is even, let bi=ci=ai/2 . Otherwise, let bi and ci be ai+12 or ai−12 . By alternating between (bi,ci)=(ai+12,ai−12) and (bi,ci)=(ai−12,ai+12) , we can satisfy the condition where sum of bi and sum of ci differ by at most 1 .

There is an alternative solution. If n is even, divide it into (n2,n2 ). If remainder of n divided by 10 is not 9 , divide it into (n+12,n−12 ). If remainder of n divided by 10 is 9 , recursively find an answer for ⌊n10⌋_- _ which is (x′,y′ ) and the answer will be (10x′+4,10y′+5 ) or (10x′+5,10y′+4 ) depending on what number has a bigger sum of digits.

The following solution has a countertest.

  1. Trying to find x and y by bruteforce from (1,n−1 ). 2. Trying to find x and y by bruteforce from (n+12,n−12 )

A solution that randomly finds (x,y ) passes.

here I just wanted to how recursively I can find the for n/10 floor values please clarify

3 hours ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

Bro! Please fix your blog. It's unreadable.


  1. Try it yourself again.

  2. Ask AI models or your CP friends!

  3. Still not getting the solution? Check the editorial ![](https://codeforces.me/blog/entry/112584)

Happy Coding! ^-^