Блог пользователя ilove_sundarKanya

Автор ilove_sundarKanya, история, 6 часов назад, По-английски

Question Link In this problem, I initially implemented a DP solution by defining the state and transition. However, it resulted in a "Memory Limit Exceeded" error. Surprisingly, when I simply interchanged the row and column while keeping the logic, states, and transitions the same, the solution was accepted.

Can someone explain why this happened?

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Memory Limit Exceeded Submission

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6 часов назад, # |
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23 минуты назад, # |
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The reason is that vector needs to store some extra information, so just a vector without elements takes some memory.

The exact memory usage of an empty vector is implementation-dependent, but usually it's 24 bytes (64bit compiler, 3 pointers)

So for your AC solution we have around ((n + 1) * 8 + 24) * 2 + 24 = 160000088 bytes and for MLE solution around (2 * 8 + 24) * (n + 1) + 24 = 400000064 which is 2.5 times more