I am currently thinking about the following problem. https://archive.topcoder.com/ProblemStatement/pm/15306 Using DP, we can easily count the number of distinct subsequences, and by extension the number of distinct strictly increasing subsequences. For example, see this blog post: https://codeforces.me/blog/entry/80464?#comment-667033.
However, I'm unsure on how to extend this idea to count the number of distinct subsequences CONTAINING a strictly increasing sub-subsequence. The difficulty arises in cases like [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3], where to count subsequences like [1,3,2,3] (for L=3 for instance) one needs to somehow skip over the leftmost next occurance of the value 2.
Thanks in advance.
we don't solve on topcoder
Just skill issue, learn more before solving DP problems, DP is the easiest thing to learn
t. gray
ur gray small pal, keep crying :((((