Hello everyone! I recently heard about **Luogu** that it has many good problems. But it mostly in Chinese, so I’m curious is Luogu useful for non-Chinese speakers? Any English guides or tools like translator to use it better? and Does Luogu give some unique practice benefits?
Is it enough just solving problems on Codeforces, AtCoder and CodeChef to improve my CP skill? I also heard Chinese coders are good on CF because they solved thousands of problems on Luogu. So, should I also practice on Luogu? If yes then how? How balance contests with topic-wise practice like DP, graphs, etc are available in Luogu?
In my opnion, the more problems your solved, the smarter you would be. Though Luogu has many shortcomings, it is still a great question bank.
If you want to improve your coding ability in a specefied side, I suggest you this. Here recognized sets of problems settle by Luogu users.
I see, I was looking this kind of listed topic wise problems, although A2OJ ladder is good but kinda old comparing recent CF problems. Thanks, will definitely try
Luogu is shit,use UOJ instead of it.
Bro wanna break the record of the lowest contribution in CodeForces?
my luogu uid is 1015780,what's yours?
Bro why your Luogu account is banned?!
Maybe that's why he said that Luogu is shit.
Belive me,luogu has the worst discussion forum enviroment
Actually it doesn't have a forum enviroment now because it was shut down days ago.
Luogu is good for OI style problems. You can copy the statement in markdown for each problem with a button and then feed the result into GPT for translation. Official English statements are sometimes provided in contests.
For more information you can refer to this blog.
Wait.., there is entire blog about Luogu, this is totally sick! Thanks man! Now my main focus is uni contest which will held on may, the contest is similar like OI. So, I think definitely try this. btw, nice pfp man -
Does every problem have editorial on luogo?
Is there a way to filter for problems with edis
Every problem has many editorials on luogu. luogu editorials are really great.
u can copy the problem statement and paste it to chatgpt. he can fixed the tex and translate.
do u not know google translate