Hi can you explain me how Chinese student are trained at school because i think teachers' level in China can not catch up with their student.
Hi can you explain me how Chinese student are trained at school because i think teachers' level in China can not catch up with their student.
# | User | Rating |
1 | jiangly | 3846 |
2 | tourist | 3799 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3590 |
6 | Ormlis | 3533 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3463 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
9 | Um_nik | 3451 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 165 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 160 |
2 | Qingyu | 160 |
4 | atcoder_official | 156 |
5 | Dominater069 | 155 |
6 | adamant | 154 |
7 | djm03178 | 151 |
8 | luogu_official | 149 |
9 | awoo | 147 |
10 | Um_nik | 146 |
Name |
Doing problemset. VP contests. Contests organized by schools. Lectures.
do u know what is an normal 9th grade student in China rating on codeforce
2000-2500 maybe
OMG??? ? ? ?? ? ? i started last year but i am still newbie
You wrote two rated contests and have only 26 solved tasks on account, of course you are still newbie)
OMG I started last year but i am still newbie.How many hour do they spend solving problem a day
In my school CPers (or OIers) don't need to go to school afternoon so it's 2pm to 10pm :)
What about you . Do you have facebook or discord , i want to add friend with you to know more about Chinese students.
Discord: liuziao4199
Hey, Sent a friend req :D
Just keep practicing and you will make it too. When I first learing CP I don't think I can solve problems rated 1200
What grade are u ? How much time does it take you to reach expert
9, 2 years from first time learning CP
i sent friend request
true indeed
I am a grade 8 but I am IM, it's the avarage level of grade 8 chinese cper
When did u start CP?
It is the avg level of Nanjing Foreign Language School
no, it's the avg level of Antarctica Penguin Language ZOO!
Teachers generally just take students out for training, take students to play competitions, find courseware for students and let them learn on their own.
Can u share me some source or documentaion which you use
Our NOI has a list of algorithms which will be used in their contests.
Do young LGM in China like Kevin115114 and zhoukangyang really learn by themselves only or also extra class?
因为在中国的 NOI 比赛中获得金牌可以直接保送好大学,所以很多人都学的特别努力,也有很多教学这个的机构。zhoukangyang是今年 NOI 的全国第一。
Because winning a gold medal in China's NOI competition can directly guarantee a good university, many people study very hard, and there are many institutions that teach this. zhoukangyang is the national number one in this year's NOI.
do u know what is an normal 9th grade student in China rating on codeforce.Iam 9th grade but i am still newbie , i started in the beginning of 8th grade
Are you Chinese student?
I'm a 9th grade student.
I am vietnamese . When did you start? your level is so high
if you are vietnamese, you can join the VNOI discord for help at learning
can u send me its discord link>
just search on google
I have learned for 2 years.
How many hours do you and your friends in your school spend doing cp
Every day or total?
every day
about 2h.
Bruh how you solve 1700 problem in two years within 2 hours practing a day
2h in weekday but more in weedend.
Those are almost all very simple problems. When I was solving them, I didn't understand that it's meaningless. Now I have understood the importance of solving hard problems.
"Sensei!!! Thats not even hard training."
Learn algorithms, and solve problems every day.
There are two types of CP students in China. One is called OIer who started early and use their NOI/IOI to attend prestigious universities, including the majority of Chinese LGMs like jiangly. The second kind (me included) started CP in bachelor, and we are called ACMer. The average level of OIer is astonishingly high, because anything below 1900 would be almost useless. Many of them are 2100+.
i wanna repeat my life to be IOer
Whats the practice strategy for the Oler since i too want to start for the ioi as recently i have passed the ZIO in class 8th as per the cutoff, is there any other platform where these oler's practice as i can see that orzdevinwang has very less questions solved on the codeforces platform still LGM.
In fact, there are huge differences between different students. Strong schools usually have more resources than weak schools.
In China,it's not uncommon for teachers' level(both CF rating) to be unable to keep up with students.But there is always some students who have won medals in the NOI come to teach other students.