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Its pretty obvious from my code what i am trying to do. My Question is that is the logic correct? Where am I going wrong?
I just take cases of whether the door is locked or not and accordingly I build the adj list for the corresponding switch combinations.
*Edit -> Resolved now.
very very hard
so what do you want to express by writing this post
bro forgot to activate his hyper charge
First thing , dont ever put the soln idea or hint in the title As here "2-SAT" either put it in spoiler
I just submitted with 2-sat and it got accepted , probably you not making the graph correctly refer to my solution for checking the edges
Oh Ok. I'll check your solution
Thanks! I got the mistake now.
bro what is the full form of 2-sat, this seems like a completely new topic to me, is there any resource where I can learn it from?
This is where I learned 2-SAT. Came across this concept while solving the CSES problem set.
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