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Shayan's blog

By Shayan, 6 months ago, In English

Hello Codeforces,

ICPC WF 2024 is happening next week, and we’re heading to Kazakhstan on Friday night.

As I’ve done plenty of interviews and AMAs, but I’ve never been the one answering questions, and as tomorrow will be our final training session, we’re planning to have an AUA afterward.

Sam (sam571128), Colin (galen_colin), and I (Shayan) will be there to talk about our goals for ICPC, how we’ve been preparing lately, and answer your questions. It’s going to be fun!

Here is the link:

(Since it’ll be late night in the US and not an appropriate time pretty much anywhere in the world, it will be recorded as well.)

Btw, the most important question of this blog post is, what’s your favorite team in ICPC this year? (UMD White, right?)

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