Share your favourite I will try solving them .
# | User | Rating |
1 | tourist | 3857 |
2 | jiangly | 3747 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3591 |
6 | gamegame | 3477 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3463 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
10 | heuristica | 3431 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 165 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 161 |
3 | Qingyu | 160 |
4 | Dominater069 | 158 |
5 | atcoder_official | 157 |
6 | adamant | 155 |
7 | Um_nik | 151 |
8 | djm03178 | 150 |
8 | luogu_official | 150 |
10 | awoo | 148 |
Share your favourite I will try solving them .
Name |
This, and this.
Enjoy solving!
thanks for sharing. I solved them before
I really enjoyed the first problem, thx for sharing!! (second one I had already solved)
1977C - Nikita and LCM beats them all
D from the same contest is probably the highest quality problem in the 2300 range
oh sure I will try it
thanks for sharing
1968F - Equal XOR Segments the best problem as i ever seen
thanks for sharing
This problem is roughly the same idea
this one is out of range (1900) 1714F - Build a Tree and That Is It.
these are in range:
1528A - Parsa's Humongous Tree
1056D - Decorate Apple Tree
103B - Cthulhu
2001C - Guess The Tree
thanks for sharing
hmm I wonder what this guys favorite topic is...
1800: C. A Mist of Florescence
An ad-hoc problem, I enjoyed the editorial comments because people came up with more than 10 ways to solve the problem and my method was one of the most beautiful.
thanks for sharing
this and this
thanks for sharing
This is my personal list of fav problems, sorry but all problems are from 2000-2400 rating range but nonetheless they are great.
cp concepts are very limited always try to think of topics for a sec and you'll get it right by your logic (piggybacked by your intuition)
1993D - Med-imize
Simple mix of binary search + DP, DP logic is also cool and simple
1992G - Ultra-Meow
Simple reverse thinking for exhaustive search using basic PnC
2002D2 - DFS Checker (Hard Version)
How to use tin and tout for a generic tree and check if u is ancestor of v or not.
2002E - Cosmic Rays
Simple use of stack for maintaining order (similar to sliding window maximum)
Find Kth smallest pair distance in an array: Leetcode HARD (but simple bs actually)
Double binary search n(logn)^2
2000G - Call During the Journey
Simple Dijkstra, but from the n-1 to 0 with simple modified logic.
Also, sometimes in modified dijkstra when there could be multiple redundant entries, using a set will save you from TLE.
2008H - Sakurako's Test
Pre computation OR dp is necessary to not get TLE, harmonic complexity is cool. BS on range is also cool.
thanks for sharing
I like your list. These are some questions that can be implemented within 10 minutes, if one gets the logic right.
2004D - Colored Portals
thanks for sharing
easiest 1600 rated problem I have ever done
Enjoy tle 1771C - Hossam and Trainees
Solved it before. Thanks for sharing
1083A - The Fair Nut and the Best Path
1151D - Stas and the Queue at the Buffet
Thanks for sharing
1983D - Swap Dilemma 1851F - Lisa and the Martians 1872E - Data Structures Fan 1556D - Take a Guess 2001C - Guess The Tree 816B - Karen and Coffee 2002D1 - DFS Checker (Easy Version) 1791F - Range Update Point Query 1999F - Expected Median 1997D - Maximize the Root I hope you enjoy these.
Thanks for sharing
Nice idea for practice
G. Path Queries
thanks for sharing
really enjoyed solving it
1950E - Nearly Shortest Repeating Substring, 1999F - Expected Median
Also out of range problems: 2000H - Ksyusha and the Loaded Set, 446C - DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers, 1155E - Guess the Root.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing
1600 1800 1600
Will share more if remember any. I have few favs higher rated than 1800
thanks for sharing, you can share higher rating problems too just add a rating to it
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yeah i got notified
I think this one is a nice dp.
thanks for sharing
hide it it s a spoil to the problem
Sorry, this one is out of the range, but It's one of the high quality problems that you would really enjoy thinking and reaching the solution all by yourself.
thanks for sharing I will try it
thanks for this post <3
Literally, 1937C - Bitwise Operation Wizard is the best one I've ever seen.
Thanks for sharing
1985G - D-Function. I read the formula they proved in the editorial after i solved it by generating some of the first numbers and learn the rules
And yes it works :) solving this problem is probably the best advancement i've made
thanks for sharing
Fox and names
Thanks for sharing
1777C - Quiz Master
Thanks for sharing
this aaaand this one
thanks for sharing
the best problem I've ever solved on codeforces.
thanks for sharing
Here you go
thanks for sharing
this one is really good :)
thanks for sharing
i solved it really good problem
Found this interesting. enjoy
I would recommend looking for problems in this range on C2Ladders
thanks for sharing
1879D - Sum of XOR Functions
Found it very interesting and educational.
You can also try this 1398C - Good Subarrays, as this uses roughly the similar core concept.
thanks for sharing
some good problems are shared
This one is wonderful
thanks for sharing geometry problem
Thanks for sharing
Gotta be 2013D - Minimize the Difference
Thanks for sharing
A fabulous DP problem.
Thanks for sharing
This one and This one both of them are really good the first is of DP and the second one is interactive
Thanks for sharing
1995B2 - Bouquet (Hard Version)
Thanks for sharing
thanks for sharing best observation problem i have seen
Thanks for sharing
Nice DP!
Thanks for sharing
an array is considered valid if there is no sovereign longer than B where all the elements are identical additionally the array can contains only integer from the range 1 to C determine the number of valid array of length a
Please solved this