TuongOnArrival1's blog

By TuongOnArrival1, history, 6 months ago, In English

I have trouble in solving problems on codeforce . Can u tell me how to train my mathematical skill pls;((

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6 months ago, # |
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You should study a lot of math and solve problems on codeforces tagged with math

6 months ago, # |
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I recommend you create an Alcumus account, it gamifies the math learning experience. I've been using it for a bit now and it's been helping me a lot! specially solving greedy exercises that require guessing.

I saw this tip at first here (it has a guide on how to use it)

6 months ago, # |
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Mathematical ability can't really be trained. If you do a bunch of problems, however, you'll start to see similarities between new ones and ones you've solved before. Then you can pretend like you've improved your mathematical ability.

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    6 months ago, # ^ |
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    "Mathematical ability can't really be trained." proceeds to explain how it can be trained

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      6 months ago, # ^ |
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      CF solving skill $$$\ne$$$ mathematical ability. I think that this is a good analogy: mathematical ability = height, CF solving skill = basketball skill. I'm sure you'd agree that if you practice playing basketball, you will get better at basketball. However, practicing basketball doesn't make you taller.

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        6 months ago, # ^ |
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        I'd rather look at math ability as basketball skill, which largely lies upon your talent at basketball, but also largely relies upon your experience with basketball and how you view the game, and how you were taught the game. Similarly I think math is something that heavily depends on who you learned it from, how you learned it etc.. In this analogy I'd say CF solving skill would be the complete player, which contains your basketball skill, height(which I guess would be IQ?), etc.. I think math is one of the parts of problem solving that can be really improved upon with hard work, but if you're gifted with it from the start, it's a huge help and you may reach higher ceilings than other people

6 months ago, # |
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thanks for all

6 months ago, # |
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cses problemset

6 months ago, # |
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If you didn't know, the catalog has many answers on how to become better. I know it a LOT to read but... No one said it's supposed to be easy.