Maharaji's blog

By Maharaji, 7 months ago, In English

Hi everyone, during the summer I have been creating a website that I thought would be useful for codeforces using the hot topic of LLMs and AI. It uses my favorite site to create problems Codeforces Polygon! I tried to make it easier to create simple problems. Thank you for the amazing site of codeforces polygon! The best way to create custom problems.

It might have some bugs, I wanted to share it though so I can get opinions)

Exciting Update! I'm thrilled to share that we now have around 200 users on our platform! We've fixed numerous bugs (though a few were bypassed with slower solutions) and added support for most of the languages available in Codeforces Polygon (Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Hindi and many more).

This will be the final update for a while, but I'm always open to and appreciative of your feedback! My next goal is to reach 500 users , so please share the site with your friends! Thank you for your continued support! Please need more users, we have reached over 300 currently!

Bug Fixes I am aware that the site wasn't working and takes (1-2) minute to load. Please have patience, the API that I use was deployed on Railway (it takes time for it to load). The site should be working. If there are any bugs, please write out to me! I would be very grateful!

Are you tired of the same old algorithmic problems on traditional platforms? Do you have a unique problem idea but lack the resources to bring it to life? Look no further! Introducing Olympath AI, the ultimate tool for creating custom competitive programming problems on Codeforces using codeforces polygon. Here is the site: Olympath AI If you want to know more about the site Olympath AI, follow my Instagram, please!

My Instagram post

I want to make the site better and more comfortable for users (please don't be toxic here, I created this for everyone). I hope this will boost the community and people will create more exciting problems.

Please reach out to me through my LinkedIn My Linkedin. I will have posted a blog there also!

Here is a quick tutorial on how it would work through photos. Create your problem by giving some details about it (or use the given examples).

Customize your problem if there were mistakes, you can create tests using AI, write your own solution or ask AI to solve it.

You will need a codeforces polygon account! Going to the settings page to get your API Key and Secret!

If you think everything is correct, go ahead and press the button at the bottom to create the problem to your polygon account!

That is all, thank you very much!

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7 months ago, # |
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I tried it and it built me a problem about meaning of life :D. Sounds interesting. Great job!

7 months ago, # |
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by Maharaji (previous revision, new revision, compare).

7 months ago, # |
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by Maharaji (previous revision, new revision, compare).

7 months ago, # |
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Im having a lot of fun creating problems, thanks!

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    7 months ago, # ^ |
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    Thank you so much! I am so happy to actually hear how the people in codeforces are actually using it

7 months ago, # |
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this seems pretty cool

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    7 months ago, # ^ |
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    Thank you! I am working on compatibility for IOI-style problems (as it was my first intention to make it for that) cause making IOI-style problems take more time and needs AI automation

6 months ago, # |
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It is generating wrong testcases and meaningless questions sometimes.

Please fix it, thanks for it anyways. Im happy to use it.