Hello everyone From past 2 contest we get interactive problems in the contests which i found so difficult to solve, this is my first time when i solved the interactive problems for the very first time so i need your suggestion from where to practice problems like this and more over this how to efficiently approach these type of question... Any suggestion in the comment box will be appreciable
Go to the Codeforces problemset, select the interactive tag and practice problems slightly above your rating.
good idea
Consider Binary Search.When meeting interactive problems about permutations, try to find 1 or n first, then also try Binary Search.
Like CF1918E。Although its 2200, but you can use the way i suggest you.
find 1 and n first. Then try Binary Search.
Another easy interactive problem likes CF1937 C.You should now that a | a equals a.
Then you find n and the number x that n ^ x is the maxium.
When you want to find number that is kth.Also try Binary Search.
Another basic problem for practice 1924F - Anti-Proxy Attendance
Thanks for sharing!!!
Are you sure it is a basic problem it is 3500 rated...?
It's a good warm up for sure