On the 21th of July 2023 i was my first participating in a contest. 209 days, later i finally reached pupil. This is without a doubt my biggest cp achievement. I had times of doubt that i would ever reached pupil but that is no more. Id like to thank MikeMirzayanov for creating the best place to practice cp. Id also like to thank my friends for motivating me to reach pupil and introducing me to Codeforces, BigBadBully Alebn jovnoliver12 naneosmic.
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Hey me too!
Lets goooo bro
Congratulations I hope to you become Grand Master
Good luck
Congrats bro)
To you too , i see you reached specialist
Yeah, not far at you)
why di u thank me ??? i bully u every day
Its a great motivatet to be bettet than you
Congrats! I dropped back down just to join you! :)
congrats good luck for specialist
congratulations, I am very proud of you :)
Cool, congrats!
Btw, I like your city ;)