yopta's blog

By yopta, history, 12 months ago, In English

When I first encountered solving problems in my dreams, I thought it was cool and a good indicator that I shouldn't stop. But at some point, I unintentionally found myself pondering problems so much in my sleep that it felt like my dreams were becoming delusional, and I woke up feeling beaten and tired. After such experiences, it helps me not to think about any problems for the next few days so that my brain can fully recover.

Since I have no one to discuss this with, but the topic seems interesting to me — have you experienced anything similar? And if so, what did you do about it?

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12 months ago, # |
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This "dreamsolve" phenomenon kind of happens with me too. It often requires me to think hard about a problem while lying in bed for a good amount of time and fall asleep while doing so. But I can't really control when it happens. Even if I lie in bed thinking about problems as I fall asleep, I don't always dream solve.

I don't feel beaten up/tired when I wake up after "dreamsolve sleep", but for whatever reason, I drool and probably mouth breathe :(

12 months ago, # |
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Doesnt sound too bad, if you feel tired take a break or do easier problems for a bit. I solve problems before bed because it makes me tired and helps me fall asleep. I never had such problems. Maybe you went a bit overboard though?

12 months ago, # |
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Thinking about problems beyond the usual times you think about them has been discussed by quite a few people, both related to competitive math and otherwise.

Back when I was in school/first half of uni, I certainly felt that thinking about problems subconsciously is a good way to solve them and get better at problem solving, but perhaps it's better to draw a line when you're older. If you're waking up fatigued, it might be an issue with your sleep — you're probably not getting enough deep sleep (having a lot of dreams is an indicator of this too) which might be concerning for your health.

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    12 months ago, # ^ |
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    nor I love that you linked these exact blogs. They were the first two things I thought of when reading this.

    I think if someone is unironically thinking about solving problems when going to sleep but it doesn't negatively impact them otherwise (e.g., drain their energy when waking up), then it shouldn't really be a problem regardless of age. The issue is that it can easily get to that point, especially when you start trying too hard while being too tired. Certainly not speaking from experience ;)

12 months ago, # |
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It happens to me a lot

Even sometimes I dream something like there is a compiler in my head compiling the code and wake up really tired

12 months ago, # |
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This is so cool we are connected and he can finally meet his family!

12 months ago, # |
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after i wake up, i found my solution in dream just logicless shit.

12 months ago, # |
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My dreams were becoming delusional

I think this actually might come from you being over stressed. Similar to how you might find yourself looking for your books when an important exam is approaching. Your brain enters a similar mindset as our ancestors escaping from man-eating beasts, complete with adrenaline flushes and other subconscious reactions.

So, yeah, take some rest from problem solving, or it might take a toll on your body and even lead to health problems.

12 months ago, # |
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No, it's just a step on the way to actually physically competing in dreams. Get rid of the limits that force you to choose between competing and sleeping!

12 months ago, # |
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Last night, I had 'Tourist'(Gennady) in my dream and you are talking about solving problems in dreams. I didn't solve many problems, but I just read the full Wikipedia page of Gennady, so I think that's the reason:)

12 months ago, # |
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It's a sign that you should start noting those problem statements and submitting them to Codeforces/CodeChef, etc.