The problems are low-quality and copied from somewhere.
# | User | Rating |
1 | tourist | 3857 |
2 | jiangly | 3747 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3591 |
6 | gamegame | 3477 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3463 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
10 | heuristica | 3431 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 165 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 161 |
3 | Qingyu | 160 |
4 | Dominater069 | 158 |
5 | atcoder_official | 157 |
6 | adamant | 155 |
7 | Um_nik | 151 |
8 | djm03178 | 150 |
8 | luogu_official | 150 |
10 | awoo | 148 |
The problems are low-quality and copied from somewhere.
Name |
still i was unable to solve!!
Right from start of contest my codeforces was not opening it was checking site connection security (cloudflare) in laptop.But in phone it was opening .After the contest ended i am able to open it from laptop.can anyone help me know the problem. Edit-image link( (this was coming on screen)
because more than 20,000 people visited 1 link. Because of this, many did not go
it was opening in my phone.but in laptop it was not opening,is this due to some settings on my system?
I think the problem is a little with the site, it happened to me that I could log in 10 minutes after it started.
Open codeforces in 2-3 tabs ..if one of the tab shows this other tabs it will work..I also do the same
U r posing a Blank Accusation without giving any proper evidence supporting ur words.
Too lazy to include more :/
About the tasks I will say this, I have not met them and they were interesting, yes there are small mistakes, but the essence of the task will not change .And I also agree with the comment: Six_Seconds. Come with some proofs so that the round is unrated
You are wrong.Here's why.
Still you solved only till C
You guys downvoting me, instead of telling the author to show the proofs of his accusations, :(
Because you can just by searching the sample on oeis to pass H
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
no please i'm gonna get +169 delta
You didn't even participate in this round wtf
if people get an average of -169 delta technically i've gotten +169 delta
Not sure that's how delta works? People can't get -169 delta on average it should be close to 0?
it's always sums up to 0 after summing rating change of all participants.
Not really because of new accounts, that's why I said close to 0
Where are the problems from? And where is editorial?
problem H
Are you serious? If you can't realize D, think of the other people who have put in their sweat and labor.
i find myself problem D even interesting. But bad porblems are last 3
Can't wait to see You, of course, are shocked. You, of course, think that the round should be unrated.You are wrong.Here's Why.
Mike hasn't said anything for two days. I guess he is busy writing a new blog about You, of course, are shocked. You, of course, think that the round should be unrated.You are wrong.Here's Why.
just joking, no offense.
A meaningless arguement about the people whose delta > 0 and opposite.
suggest that write comments with EVIDENCE instd.
Also give some evidence so the round will be seriously unrated
There was a blog post about the problems with F, G, H, but got taken down…
I would say that there exist also people like "Please NOT unrate Good Bye 2023"
And I'd say there are a lot of such people, since lots of participants will gain positive delta
Yes, This round must stay rated. Its just that it is a bad round. It's one of my best performances :)
Got expert again after months. Not unrated:/
Once a wise man said.
It's rated
Generally they take 2 to 3 days to update the ratings for any round, and today the ratings have already been updated even after all the pleas to make the round unrated.
What a JOKE!
I request mike to make the round unrated by taking into consideration all the issues that were pointed out by the participants.
no ur a joke
If the round is low-quality and copied from somewhere then why you didn't solve these simple problems? The round has nothing wrong logically, so it should not be unrated. You got minus delta then want an unrated, but there are ten thousands of problems so it is not able to prevent a problem crashing. If you are so good then solve these "copied" problems in contest then petition an unrated here.
Your comment is like that "I got much +ve delta, so I want this round to be rated".
Yes it actually is, but isn't it normal? The problems today worth thinking, and everyone paid sweat to participate. There is no logical error in the contest so why you think their sweat should be wasted?
Problem G is wrong.
Sorry, but from your point of view, contests with copied prolems is also acceptable, right? Do OEIS-able problems and googleable problems have any difference from copied problems, in the aspect of influence to participants?
Actually few people are influenced by it,but those rank 20+ take no advantage of it.To unr and flip people’s situation,isn’t it unfair?
You know, in the zxyoi round, a similar number of contestants have been influenced due to copied problem 1E...
I got much +ve delta, so I want this round to be rated
I got much +ve delta, so I want this round to be rated
I got some +ve delta, but I do not want this round to be rated. Copied problem H does influence Div1 participants greatly, so maybe deleting problems G & H (and F?) and making it rated only for Div2 participants is a good choice.
i bet you wouldn't have said the same if you got -ve delta
Then what, you get -ve delta then you have the discourse right?
bro neither would you if you got +ve delta
some people actually deserved their +ve delta and wud like to keep it
But I did solve H, which is the main "low quality copied" point of complaint. Why are you lying?
But every rounds are made of peoples sweets, so in your opinion can I say that you claim no rounds should be unrated?
You have +219!Wow!
To protest what is going on I am not going to attend contests till next year
codeforces after the contest :
Low-quality and many FST are not a reason of unrated at all. Copied problem may be a reason of unrated — if it afftected a contest a lot.
What matters in this contest is unproved problem — if all problem have non-random solution or random solution having probability of being wrong in low enough and there is no error in testcases which used in the contest, the contest would be rated. Otherwise, the contest should be unrated.
Well,so you mean that you want to make winners sad while losers are happy?Is it what you said "FAIR"?The ones who tried to solve G don't complaint so much.I think it is more UNFAIR to unrated.
Above is my selfish opinion.
You are protecting the round on every post related to this round and you are literally arguing everyone, who said round needed to be unrated. Maybe because you got +174? You just can't be objective because you don't want to lose high rating delta... Why are you so scared of losing it? Rating isn't even that important and you have been arguing because of it on the whole platform. I promise you are getting negative delta on the next round, because you don't even deserve +174 and you know that. Relax dude, forget your high rating delta and just admit that round had tons of problems. JEEZ.
I’m selfish.That true.I apologize for it.But I think I didn’t cheat or take advantage of the mistake.That’s why I think so.Sorry.
I am strongly against it or I will lose my LGM!
Why do I get so many downvotes? What's wrong with me?
cuz nobody asked
it's over
I'm sure most people complain about delta and not about the quality of problems. I'm sure that you're saying it cause you lose a lot of delta, please stop criticizing round. I see a lot of people caring about delta.
I know many people who got huge plus delta still would have liked it unrated. I myself only lost 7 and same.
The god 5k!
What Can I say