Hi everyone!
The second round of COCI will be held this Saturday, December 2nd at 14:00 UTC. You can access the judging system here. If you are not familiar with COCI contest format, we encourage you to read the announcement.
The round was prepared by ToniB, Agnus, fbabic, mlicul and me.
Feel free to discuss the problems in the comment section after the contest ends.
Hope to see you and good luck!
why is there a bitset in tags ?
They're neccesary in COCI contests
The judge and https://hsin.hr/coci/ conflict about the start time? It seems the judge is crotia time and the announcment page is UTC, but both say 14.00. Can you clarify this?
Thanks for the info! The judge starting time is wrong. The round will start at 14:00 UTC. UPD: it's fixed now.
Reminder: the contest starts in one hour.
Overall, problems were good quality and educational, kind of like old style cf problems. The contest would have been more enjoyable if either task 1 or task 2 was replaced by a harder problem.
Edit: Also, the tests for task 3 might be a bit weak. My first submission had a very critical bug (which was not dependent on n) but it passed all test cases of the first 3 subtasks and 13/15 test cases of the last subtask.
This is the first time I AK an OI contest, it feels amazing !
I feel problems are a little bit easier than usual, but I still enjoyed the contest, well done.
where can i upsolve?
HONI -> 2023./2024. -> 2. kolo
There is $$$O((n+q)\log{}n)$$$ solution for Dizalo...
Try to calculate which elements will affect the solution and in which period of time.
Try doing it offline.
Then you just need to somehow maintain solution.
You can do it online with the same complexity.
You will get a RE because you erase the end of a set.(in line.77). Or please explain why.
The if statement on line 69 has a condition that will always be true, perhaps this caused the confusion.
I'm not sure why I put it there, since it is completely redundant. Thanks for pointing this out (the code is edited now).