For the last few months I've been trying to get full year activity streak, but due to recent time change, it became completely ruined. Kinda lost motivation to continue it, since it may (and probably wiil) happen again in 6 months. Does any of you have the same problem?
Main reason for doing this "project" wasn't self-improvement, but rather I was doing it for fun (so difficulty of problems wasn't really a concern)
my friend bangan and me too
Hi, as a dude who made 447 day streak (in my time zone), I strongly recommend you to stop,it is not worth it and after a year you would be really tired of that (also, you wouldn`t be able to stop, because you would try to keep as long as possible)
Btw, have you already graduated from school?
no, he's my classmate
why stop?? doing at-least one problem daily will improve me.
Why are you keeping your strike?
As I said above, I'm doing it only for fun and for satisfaction of doing something every day for the whole year. I'm not one of those guys who will do 2000+ <1500 problems and wonder why they made little to no progress, because I'm well aware of it.
Isn't it the opposite? It will get fixed in 6 months, right? You can keep working these 6 months and you will get your pretty graph all of a sudden.
Well that's true, but only if I'll always be done with 3 tasks by 11PM, otherwise it's basically game over since those will be shifted to the next day after these 6 months.
Let that become your motivation. New challenge: do what you were doing but wake up 1h before every day :). Good luck!
Actually, now you can do your tasks up to 1AM