Блог пользователя dapingguo8

Автор dapingguo8, история, 4 года назад, По-английски

What else can I say? Congratulations for having $$$10^8$$$ submissions, codeforces.

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Автор dapingguo8, история, 5 лет назад, По-английски

Recently I prepared some problems and wrote a contest proposal which was submitted on $$$10^{th} July$$$. However, I haven't written any contests before, so I have some questions. Really appreciated if you can answer them.

$$$1$$$. How long does it take to get feedback from coordinators in average?

Today is $$$18^{th} July$$$. $$$8$$$ days has passed. It said that I will receive feedback in $$$2$$$~$$$14$$$ days, but I'm still worried. Although I believe the queue is not as big as two years ago, I'm afraid that I'll not be avaliable if the waiting time is too long (more than $$$1$$$ month)

$$$2$$$. Will I get notified if someone commented on my proposal?

$$$3$$$. Does Polygon support the $$$64$$$-bit version of C++17?

I didn't find it when I choose the language. One of my problems requires a checker which can compute even the number doesn't fit in $$$64$$$-bit integer, but under $$$128$$$-bit integer.

C++17 64bit supports __int128, which is the perfect one to use. However, if Polygon doesn't support that, I have to lower the constraints or manually implement bigint.

Thanks in advance.

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Автор dapingguo8, 5 лет назад, По-английски

If you submit in C++ and your code is getting WA or RE, you won't receive the verdict immediately, and your code will run in diagnostics mode very slowly.

Usually I don't want to waste time in that run, so in the past I chose 64-bit C++17 in order to get rid of it.

But for now, 64-bit C++17 will also run in diagnostics mode if we gets WA/RE. I don't mean that's bad, but is there any way to disable diagnostics run (only for myself)? If not, then can there be a function like this?

I think there can also be a way, which is if we get WA/RE, display the verdict immediately, and then silently run the diagnostics. MikeMirzayanov please consider about it, really thanks. OK, now diagnostic works exactly like this. Really thanks for your hardwork, codeforces

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Автор dapingguo8, история, 5 лет назад, По-английски

There are plenty of submissions with "In queue" verdict, while no submission is running on tests.

Will it affect the contest today?Hope it won't affect :(

UPD:Judging system is back now.

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Автор dapingguo8, история, 5 лет назад, По-английски
  1. "During normal rounds, hacks only related to me(being a hacker or as a defender) will be shown." Is it right?

  2. Why some people can hack other's code even not in the hacking time(During the contest in normal rounds, During the hacking-phase in edu/div.3) ? I'm curious about this. Is it intended or a glitch? Although, hacked solutions will keep AC verdict

I'm not experienced in hacking, so could anyone answer these questions?

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