UPDATE : 27 AUG 2020.
As you all might have noticed on the Leaderboard, we have people with times_caught more than $$$4$$$. I wonder when will they get a ban from Codeforces.
Added a new feature for people to report X-Users, the solutions which were mangled or clever enough to bypass MOSS. These things go under manual validation for now, but if confirmed it will give +100 X-Rating Gain to the X-User, also this incident would be mentioned on their profile as "Notoriety".
I have added an Appeal section. People who are badly affected or people who think that someone is impersonating them can add an appeal. i would remove those X-Users but for X-Users with times_caught $$$>$$$ $$$2$$$, appeal won't help much. But i would see if anything can be done.
What is a X-User?
Its just a person, who's solution gets skipped on after contest, and they are out of competition, but it was rated for them. Nothing else, its a totally okay to be a X-User, however i won't prefer it.
Link to the website : CF X User
I have hosted it on Heroku for now, and I hope it will be fast to load and won't crash.
Features of the website :
- A dedicated leaderboard for X-Users.
- A new (and pretty basic) rating system for X-Users
- You can find all X-Users of a round
- You can find all rounds in which someone was listed as a X-User.
- Rating system works like this, $$$rating$$$ = no_of_time_caught * $$$100$$$
- With ratings, we have ranks. It's actually the same as from Codeforces
- After every round, after getting data. rating and leaderboard will be updated.
Also highly unlikely,but if you think your name has been wrongly added as a X-Users, drop a comment. It's very easy to remove your name and everything from there.
Here are some Screenshots
Profile Page
Find X-Users by Round
If you want to suggest something let me know.
That's it! and I hope you'll like it. :)
Some Clarifications
- There is nothing personal from my side, I don't even know 95% of the X-Users. I just take results from codeforces itself This website is no way generating any data of it's own, it just fetches data from Codeforces and displays it systematically. Its completely text based, and i don't store any pictures or personal information of anyone. i just link everything to external source, which is codeforces.