Codeforces Blitz Cup 2025 Final Rounds Have Started! Join the stream now: ×

alamkhan's blog

By alamkhan, 4 years ago, In English

Hello Good People!

We are glad to invite you to participate in the Replay of Intra AUST Programming Contest Fall 2020 which will be held on Friday, 27 August at 03:00 pm BST.

The authors of the contest are math10, Taran106, robin_aust, 5-head, tashfiq_ahm, alamkhan, Kirin_29, edge555, pinanzo, Professor_, _pudinapata_ and S_Rifat. Thanks to zeXon for coordinating the round and shakil_AUST for giving valuable feedback.

Recently, we have organized the main round Intra AUST Programming Contest Fall 2020. The main round was organized by AUST CSE Society, powered by Recursive 40 to test the competitive programming skill of all the undergraduate students studying at Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Now we are going to arrange the replay of this contest for everyone. To participate in the contest you have to create an account on Toph.

You will be given 12 problems and 5 hours to solve them. The contest will follow standard ICPC rules. We hope, the participants, with a rating of less than 2100, will find the problems interesting.

Good Luck!

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