_Randooom_'s blog

By _Randooom_, history, 3 months ago, In English

Hi codeforces

My last blog was downvoted even though it was very informative, so I am here for a rematch. Let's start
As you know right now, CodeTON round 9 is going on, obviously there would be cheaters. So I did what most of people desire to do.
I got inside one of this groups and promised solutions for free, honestly I was shocked by 30 people writing me per minute. I told them that they could have the solution only if they show me their submissions page, so I could "see myself". Not all believed, not all leaked their accounts, but there were a lot of stupid ones who just gave themselves out: Ahmed05, SerajOmar, shivg374, zihad535, itrajeevranjan, ParadoxicalAce, Sarthak_Sach, banikparishmita, parishmitabanik616, Aries_Casper_175, Level10Gyatt, sabbirahmedfahim, MJbhai, gimedo8149, megatronn.

I took the investigation deeper:

There was this channel he was very smooth, he didn't even show his top edge once in this contest, but I found a video in which he reveals one of his accounts Coder_Sabbir, I though that was it but after seeing another video I saw that now his account is Coder_Area, now I got it all he has more than one account, so , [user:megatronn]I wanted to find most of his accounts but I gave up after 5th one. Cheaters like him are rotten to their core and nothing can change them.
But lets get back to telegram cheaters. Today I meat one of the ( if not the ) politest cheater ever Sarthak_Sach: I did make fun of him
but he didn't even get angry, then this happens:
hahahaha, I guess bro really tried hard not to cheat.

Ofcourse creating new accounts is easy, but achieving everything again is not, that is why I want them banned, even though they can create a new account, they will be forces to start from the very begining.

If you want I can leak the group and every cheater telegram, so we could take them down, but there always would be other ones

MikeMirzayanov, KAN, and the contest authors: YouKn0wWho and wuhudsm it would be nice if you take action.

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By _Randooom_, 4 months ago, In English

Here’s a revised and proofread version of your blog:

Hi Codeforces,

Today's blog is about the issue of stupid blogs on CF.

This is already the third blog I’ve written on this topic, and frankly, I’m getting tired of it.

Many people in the past assured me that not all blogs are harmful or stupid. They claimed that some blogs, while not informative, can still be funny and entertaining—like this one:
From the looks of it, the community seems to agree with this sentiment.

However, despite this, blogs like the one below continue to appear:

Normally, I wouldn’t even pay attention to these, but this time it’s different. I was genuinely shocked to see that this blog received 37 upvotes and that the author has now risen to the top 1500 contributors out of almost 76,000 users—all from a single blog where they simply state that they’re gay.

What’s even more surprising is that the blog was not deleted. This means the author didn’t even get temporarily restricted.

MikeMirzayanov, it would be great if action were taken against such blogs.

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By _Randooom_, 4 months ago, In English

Hi friends recently I came across StellarSpecter's blog and I read something new to myself( by the way congrats she achieved pupil ). I will only focus on the part which got me thinking, can we use tools like refact.ai?

If you don't know it is basically a tool which helps you while coding( Idk how I never used refact ). But I used Tabnine which is an extention for vs code and based of what is written on refact's website their pretty similar.

What it does, is by using AI it analyses your code and predicts what you may want to use next. It saves you a lot of time and I really enjoyed using. Personally never used for contests, since I haven't participated in a long time.


So the quesion is can I use it for CP, since there is nothing mentioned about it in the original blog which MikeMirzayanov wrote about use of AI during a contest?

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Tags use, of, ai
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By _Randooom_, history, 4 months ago, In English

Hi, this is a continuation of my other blog about stupid blogs.

First of all good luck to everyone who is going to participate in DIV 2, now let's start.

Just as i mentiooned I had written a blog about people who wirte stupid things on cf, last time there was a bit of a debate in comments. People told me it's funny or not harmfull but what I found is just beyond harmfull and stupidity, these blogs are on russian if you don't know russian it is just for you own good, I mean just take a look :


Basically what is written there is about how -0.50 is atrackted to an amateur girl and things among that line. Just this sentence is enough to give him a ban but he just got away with it, just got some downvotes...

Next case:


This one is just out of stupidity, there tbdreamer calls himself g@y and people upvoted him ?!?! Like why do you upvote it?? You just made him think that he did great.

The point of this blog is to encourage people not to abuse freedom of speach or what ever they call it, please respect other there can be minors on this platform.

MikeMirzayanov, KAN I begg you to take this sort of content seroiously and ban them right away( especially -0.50)

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By _Randooom_, 6 months ago, In English

Hello Codeforces community.

I have encountered a bug with the new feature.

So whenever someone uses the new likes feature, and he has several revisions, if you try to switch throughout the reversions, they go back to their “code state” when they look like this ( likes: 1 ). I’ve came across this several times, but only with comments ( didn’t actually try with blogs )

Don’t know if the blog was useful, wrote it so I could contribute to the new feature by pointing out its weak spot. And also it does not harm in anyway possible so I guess fixing it is not necessary.

Anyway MikeMirzayanov, geranazavr555, KAN if you think it is necessary, please investigate this issue cause it still might be on my end only.

Anyways, feel free to write in the comments about your opinion and is it also working or should I say not working on your end, peace.

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By _Randooom_, 6 months ago, translation, In English

Hello Codeforces community.

Today I wanted to talk about Negative Contributors

1) First of all why would anyone compete to have the worst reputation

2) Of course some might say that they are free to do what ever they want. But they are harming the community by their actions. CF blog system was not created so a bunch of dudes would compete against each other to see who will say something dumber and get more downvotes.

And I am not over reacting CF is now overflowing with meaningless and dumb blogs/comments of theirs.

3) They sometimes get over the boundaries of appropriate things and start joking harmfully just to farm some downvotes

Here are some of them who are right now meaninglessly writing comments without second thoughts : attractors, StellarSpecter.

I am pleading admins to ban them or to at least restrict them from writing blogs/comments, since their childish behavior and thrive to be number one in at least one thing, is harming the community.

MikeMirzayanov, KAN, geranazavr555 I am aking you to take a look at this problem and take action if you see it as necessary .

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By _Randooom_, history, 7 months ago, In English

As many of you know there were a lot of cheaters in the latest Div 1+2 contest, and codeforces did catch most of them. But unlike before instead of giving warnings they started to ban them. And my honest reaction would be something like yuiipeeee finally.

As an example there was this guy MisterCheese, who thought he can cheat and get away with it, He even became specialist, but unfortunately for him karma was right around the corner. And now when you want to visit his profile it just say that he was banned.

I personally see it as a great solution since many of other cheaters would be scared to cheat. Because the time invested in their accounts would be wasted.

Anyways bye .

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