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MikeMirzayan's blog

By MikeMirzayan, history, 3 months ago, In English

Hi everyone! Guys I think it would be great to have a second chance to change the handle! Because I didn't think much and therefore I made a mistake so it would be great to have an opportunity to change your handle when you made a mistake! What do you think guys maybe we should push this idea to the website administration?

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By MikeMirzayan, 15 months ago, In English

in connection with the latest contest I want to propose something

actually I didn’t write that round and I don’t care a lot about the quality of this contest itself. although I think the job of the codeforces administration is pretty much similar to the functionaries’ routine: coordinator kicks problemsetters for bad tasks, administration kicks coordinator for bad rounds. measuring the quality of problemset is coordinators’ duty, but the quality of the contest that has already been held can be measured with the help of constructive criticism from the community.

my suggestion is to make some kind of representative feedback form, maybe for GM/IGM+ users only. for example it might have points like “were there well-known problems?”, “were there poorly-formed statements?” etc, but with descriptions provided. I think that will help to analyse the competitions, take care of mistakes and improve the platform.

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By MikeMirzayan, history, 3 years ago, In English

actually i haven't even visited topcoder website

but i condemn canceling (bela)russians and banning accounts, which is happening according to many residents of these two countries

i'm wondering why hasn't anyone posted about it yet? i can understand if nobody cares about losing their profile, but the problem itself is pretty interesting

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By MikeMirzayan, history, 3 years ago, In English

hello codeforces i have a strong need to get 30+ TRY for my turkish virtual card but I can't transfer such amount from my home country. so i've came up with a great solution: if somebody of turkish cf users can suggest me 30try for a math/prog/etc problem solution (or something else that i'm competent in) i'd be glad to help!!

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By MikeMirzayan, 3 years ago, translation, In English

merry christmas dear friends

we can see a trend to change content rate policy: youtube has recently removed dislike counter

new year is time for changes so i propose a new design option for like/dislike buttons on codeforces:

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By MikeMirzayan, 4 years ago, In English

Daniil rotavirus Zashikhin has been banned from Codeforces recently. I think everyone who cares about freedom of humor on Codeforces should support him now and demand his immediate unblock. We may not like some of his jokes, but in my opinion "clown blaming" should stay in the past, as a blot in the history of our lovely platform.

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By MikeMirzayan, history, 4 years ago, In English

hello codeforces

i want to suggest a research

let's call the depth of an english wikipedia page the smallest amount of clicks on links (in the text) to reach this page.

what is (approximately) the mathematical expectation of this value (the page is chosen randomly equiprobably)? I'm waiting for your approaches (with description)!!!

upd: sorry didn't know such services exist, thought it'd be interesting to use some heuristics to estimate needed values. the thread can be closed now thanks for watching subscribe on youtube and o***f***

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By MikeMirzayan, history, 6 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces! Today I've faced the following problem: is it possible to calculate N! modulo M (M is prime) in polynomial (relative to length of M) time? I thought it would be pretty popular problem, but I couldn't google anything useful. Does anybody know such algorithm or proofs that it does not exist?

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