I_am_Noobieee's blog

By I_am_Noobieee, history, 7 weeks ago, In English

Congrats to jiangly for reaching the highest ever rating on codeforces!!!! It will be awesome if jiangly now shares his experience and inspiring journey with the cp community. It will be a great help and honor for us if we could hear from him on how he managed to become so good at this game.

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By I_am_Noobieee, history, 5 months ago, In English

attractors is no more... Cheers :D

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By I_am_Noobieee, history, 6 months ago, In English

You are given an array A of size N. You have to find the number of subarrays with gcd equal to K. Constraints : 1) 1 <= n <= 1e3 , 2) 0 <= A[i] <= 1e9 and 3) 1 <= K <= 1e9

I solved this question using brute force in O(N*N*log(N)) complexity. But I am just curious if there is any O(N*logN) solution to solve it. I have searched for sometime but could not find anything. Can someone pls tell if there is any way to do it O(N*logN)? Thanks.

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