Alibi-R-osk_er-2028's blog

By Alibi-R-osk_er-2028, history, 4 weeks ago, In English

Hello, Codeforces Community!

I’ve been actively participating in contests here, and I’m really inspired by the quality of problems and the organization of rounds. Recently, I’ve been thinking about contributing to the platform by organizing a Div. 3 or Div. 4 round with my friends.

However, I’m not entirely sure how to get started with this process. Could anyone guide me on: 1. What are the requirements for proposing a contest? 2. How to prepare problem sets that meet the standards of Codeforces? 3. Whom should I contact to initiate the process?

I believe a Div. 4 round would be a great way to encourage newcomers to competitive programming and help them build confidence.

I’d really appreciate any advice or experiences you can share regarding organizing a contest here.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards, Alibi-R-osk_er-2028

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