Internship Opportunities in Cryptocurrency

Revision en1, by satoshi, 2021-12-30 23:36:55

Hello Codeforces!

I'm a 3-rd year undergraduate student currently located in the UK and I'm seriously thinking about the possibility of doing an internship in cryptocurrency (based in UK or China or even elsewhere) next summer.

I've been doing theoretical computer science or more specifically computational complexity for the most of the last year (mostly reading papers), and thus I'd like to do more about the more theoretical aspects of cryptocurrency (not "general engineering").

Can anyone please provide some information or insights? Thanks!


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English satoshi 2021-12-31 02:14:34 1
en1 English satoshi 2021-12-30 23:36:55 599 Initial revision (published)