How to solve this problem?

Revision en1, by i_love_shivineet, 2021-09-26 22:34:48

NOTE — This problen is not the from any ongoing contest. You are given an array of N integers. X[i] is the number of distinct values that occur to the left of index i and not on or to the right of index i. Y[i] is the number of distinct values that occur to the right of index i and not on or to the left of index i. Determine the absolute difference of X[i] , Y[i] for every index 1 <= i <= N. ****Constraint**** 1<=T<=10 1<=N<=2*10^5 -10^9<=Ai<=10^9


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English i_love_shivineet 2021-09-26 22:34:48 495 Initial revision (published)