Following is the code I submitted for question 3 after contest. for all the vectors created by my code I tested them with the first question code. It passed on all the combinations but codejam gave WA. I would be very thankful if someone can point out the mistake.
Problem link : ``` include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; define ll long long int define MOD 1000000007 define N 100000 //array size int main(){ int testcases,it=1; cin>>testcases; while(it<=testcases){
int n,c; cin>>n>>c; vector<ll> vec(n,0); cout<<"Case #"<<it<<":"; it++; if(c < n-1 || c> (n*(n+1)/2-1)){ cout<<" IMPOSSIBLE\n";} else{ ll val = 1,curr=0,d=-99,sig=-1; c= c-n+1; int j; for(j=1;j<n;j++){ val = 1+max(0,min(n-j,c)); c= c-(n-j); if(d==1 && val ==1){ while(curr >= 0 && curr <n && vec[curr]!=0) curr+=sig; if(curr<0 || vec[curr]!=0 ){ if(sig==-1) sig =1; else sig =-1; while(vec[curr]!=0) curr+=sig; } vec[curr]=j; } else if(j%2==0){ vec[curr-val-1]=j; curr-=val; sig=-1; }else{ vec[curr+val-1]=j; curr+=val; sig =1; } d=val; } for(ll i=0;i<n;i++){ if(vec[i]==0){ vec[i]=n; } cout<<" "<<vec[i]; } vec.clear(); cout<<endl; } }
} ```