[The Programming Club, IIT Indore](https://www.linkedin.com/company/progclub-iiti) is proud to present our flagship event, **Divide By Zero**! The contest will take place on [contest_time:1513]. This round will be rated for all participants with a rating lower than 2100.↵
Thanks to the following people for making the round possible:↵
- [user:KAN,2021-04-10] for coordinating throughout the round.↵
- [user:kalpitk,2021-04-10], [user:ajit,2021-04-10] and [user:7dan,2021-04-10] for setting the problems.↵
- [user:dvshah,2021-04-10], [user:bhanushali,2021-04-10], [user:sundesh,2021-04-10], [user:AniketSangwan,2021-04-10], [user:krishanu21saini,2021-04-10], [user:somyamehta_24,2021-04-10] and [user:hk2102,2021-04-10] for their contribution to the problemset.↵
- [user:Um_nik,2021-04-10], [user:dorijanlendvaj,2021-04-10], [user:chctxdy68,2021-04-10], [user:Osama_Alkhodairy,2021-04-10], [user:Discombobulated,2021-04-10] and [user:Jellyman102,2021-04-10] for testing the problems.↵
- [user:MikeMirzayanov,2021-04-10] for the amazing Codeforces and Polygon platforms.↵
There are 6 problems, and 2 hours to solve them. The points distribution will be updated later.↵
**Update**: The scoring distribution is **500 -- 1250 -- 1500 -- 2000 -- 2750 -- 3000**.↵
**PRIZES**: Twenty Codeforces T-shirt will be given to:↵
- Top 10 Indian Participants↵
- Random 10 from top 100 (rank 11-100) Indian participants ↵
Hope you guys enjoy the contest! See you on the leaderboard!
Thanks to the following people for making the round possible:↵
- [user:KAN,2021-04-10] for coordinating throughout the round.↵
- [user:kalpitk,2021-04-10], [user:ajit,2021-04-10] and [user:7dan,2021-04-10] for setting the problems.↵
- [user:dvshah,2021-04-10], [user:bhanushali,2021-04-10], [user:sundesh,2021-04-10], [user:AniketSangwan,2021-04-10], [user:krishanu21saini,2021-04-10], [user:somyamehta_24,2021-04-10] and [user:hk2102,2021-04-10] for their contribution to the problemset.↵
- [user:Um_nik,2021-04-10], [user:dorijanlendvaj,2021-04-10], [user:chctxdy68,2021-04-10], [user:Osama_Alkhodairy,2021-04-10], [user:Discombobulated,2021-04-10] and [user:Jellyman102,2021-04-10] for testing the problems.↵
- [user:MikeMirzayanov,2021-04-10] for the amazing Codeforces and Polygon platforms.↵
There are 6 problems, and 2 hours to solve them. The points distribution will be updated later.↵
**Update**: The scoring distribution is **500 -- 1250 -- 1500 -- 2000 -- 2750 -- 3000**.↵
**PRIZES**: Twenty Codeforces T-shirt will be given to:↵
- Top 10 Indian Participants↵
- Random 10 from top 100 (rank 11-100) Indian participants ↵
Hope you guys enjoy the contest! See you on the leaderboard!