Greedy problems for training

Revision en2, by ahmedash95, 2020-11-12 00:22:26

Hello Guys,

I'm new to CP and CodeForces. as it's obvious from my current rating and color :D. I've spent the last 2 months practicing and focusing on studying Algo and DS and participating in contests. and one of the things I've noticed is almost DIV2 B ~ F problems almost about DP or Greedy. so to get myself ready I started practicing these 2 topics. and to be sure I make progress I've used the CodeForces API to get all problems about greedy from past contests and sorted them by rating in increasing order. I wanted to share the file with you so maybe you are like me and want to practice more on these problems. so here is a link to more than 1000 problems and there are tags to help you know what are the problems about.

![screenshot](" at Nov 11 22-18-26.png")

be sure to make a copy of the file in order to edit and track your own progress.

Let me know what do you think about the sheet and if there is a better way you know to practice Greedy. also If you want a similar sheet for DP problems just type in the comment and I'll make one if needed :).

Tags greedy, #greedy


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en3 English ahmedash95 2020-11-12 00:23:20 105 (published)
en2 English ahmedash95 2020-11-12 00:22:26 164 Tiny change: 'out.\n\n![ ](https://' -> 'out.\n\n![screenshot](https://'
en1 English ahmedash95 2020-11-12 00:19:01 1082 Initial revision (saved to drafts)