IOI 2020 Country Standings

Правка en4, от shashwatchan, 2020-09-20 12:50:11

Hello everyone!

Similar to last year, these are the country standings for IOI 2020 based on the sum of scores of all contestants. Check the spoiler at the bottom for the complete list.

Rank Country/Region Score
1 CHN 2370.1
2 USA 2023.96
3 KOR 1989.32
4 IRN 1922.88
5 RUS 1907.83
6 UKR 1807.58
7 JPN 1802.62
8 CAN 1756.43
9 VNM 1707.31
10 HRV 1676.43
11 GEO 1670.42
12 ROU 1590.29
13 TWN 1548.77
14 SGP 1502.16
15 POL 1501.28
16 ISR 1492.16
17 HUN 1472.78
18 IDN 1442.94
19 HKG 1416.19
20 BGR 1409.14
21 SRB 1387.9
22 ARM 1387.34
23 IND 1300.79
24 EGY 1250.84
25 AUS 1228.39
Full standings


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en4 Английский shashwatchan 2020-09-20 12:50:11 17
en3 Английский shashwatchan 2020-09-20 02:14:18 1902 Tiny change: '<table sty' -> '<spoiler summary="Spoiler">\n<table sty'
en2 Английский shashwatchan 2020-09-20 02:04:30 0 (published)
en1 Английский shashwatchan 2020-09-20 02:03:13 5347 Initial revision (saved to drafts)