## Introduction↵
I've come across several problems that require you to be able to efficiently find the sum of some values on a path from $A$ to $B$ in a tree. One can solve these problems using tree decomposition techniques like heavy-light decomposition or centroid decomposition, but that's a bit of an overkill and not very elegant in my opinion.↵
In this blog post, I will describe a way to solve these types of problems using just a DFS, a Fenwick tree, and LCA. (as well as a way to solve JOIOC 2013 Synchronization this way).↵
**Note: Whenever I talk about edge $(u, v)$ in this post, I assume that $u$ is the parent of $v$.**↵
## Prerequisites↵
- DFS↵
- Preorder traversal (DFS order)↵
- Fenwick tree↵
- Binary lifting and LCA↵
## The idea↵
Say you have the following problem:↵
> Given a tree with $N$ nodes, each node $i$ has a value $a_i$ that is initially 0. Support the following 2 types of operations in $O(\log N)$ time:↵
> ↵
> 1. Increase the value of $a_i$ by $X$↵
> 2. Find the sum of $a_i$ on the path from $u$ to $v$ for 2 nodes $u$ and $v$↵
First, we flatten the tree using a preorder traversal. Let the time we enter node $i$ be $tin_i$ and the time we exit it be $tout_i$. Additionally,construct a let $b$ be an array/Fenwick tree called $BITof size $2N$.↵
If you're familiar with LCA, you'll know that node $u$ is an ancestor of node $v$ if and only if $tin_u \leq tin_v$ and $tout_u \geq tout_v$.↵
If you're familiar with range updates and point queries with Fenwick trees, you'll know that if we want to incrementase the range $[A, B]$ by $X$ in an array/Fenwick tree $BIT$, then we increase $BIT_A[A]$ by $X$ and decrease $BIT_{[B + 1}]$ by $X$. Then when we want to find the value of the element at $C$, we simply query the sum of $BIT_[i]$ for each $i$ from 0 to $C$. This works because if $C$ isn't inside the range of an update, the 2 values we update "cancel out" in the query.↵
We can combine the 2 ideas above to work on trees — if we want to incrementase the value of node $u$ by $X$, we increase $BIT_{b[tin_u}]$ by $X$ and decrease $BIT_{b[tout_u + 1}]$ by $X$. Then when we want to find the sum of nodes on the path between node $v$ and the root, we simply query the sum of $BIT_i$ from 0 to $tin_b[i]$ for each $i$ from 0 to $tin_v$. This works because node $w$ only contributes to the sum if $w$ is an ancestor of $v$.↵
We can then use LCA and the principle of inclusion-exclusion to find the sum of nodes/edges on the path between nodes $u$ and $v$.↵
This idea also works if we want to sum edges instead of nodes — when we update edge $(u, v)$, update $b[tin_v]$ and $b[tout_v + 1]$ and make queries similarly.↵
## Problem 1 — [Infoarena Disconnect](https://www.infoarena.ro/problema/disconnect)↵
Here's the gist of the problem:↵
You're given a tree with $N$ nodes. Process $M$ of the following queries online:↵
1. Delete the edge $(u, v)$ from the path.↵
2. Determine whether there is a path from $u$ to $v$.↵
$N \leq 10^5$ and $M \leq 5 \cdot 10^5$↵
### Solution↵
Let the value of each edge in the tree initially be 0. When we "delete" an edge, we just update its value to be 1.↵
Notice how there is a path from $u$ to $v$ if and only if the sum of edges on the path between $u$ and $v$ is 0.↵
We can then applyour trickthe above idea and solve this problem in $O(M \log N)$ time.↵
- Find the lowest ancestor $l_u$ of $u$ such that the sum of the edges between $u$ and $l_u$ is 0↵
- We can do this using binary lifting and our trick↵
- Find $l_v$ similarly for $v$.↵
- Check whether $l_u$ is an ancestor of $v$ and whether $l_v$ is an ancestor of $u$.↵
This solution runs in $O(M \log^2 N)$ time.↵
<spoiler summary="My code for this problem">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
#define FOR(i, x, y) for (int i = x; i < y; i++)↵
typedef long long ll;↵
using namespace std;↵
int n, m;↵
vector<int> graph[100001];↵
int timer = 1, tin[100001], tout[100001];↵
int anc[100001][18];↵
void dfs(int node = 1, int parent = 0) {↵
anc[node][0] = parent;↵
for (int i = 1; i < 18 && anc[node][i - 1]; i++)↵
anc[node][i] = anc[anc[node][i - 1]][i - 1];↵
tin[node] = timer++;↵
for (int i : graph[node]) if (i != parent) dfs(i, node);↵
tout[node] = timer;↵
int bit[100001];↵
void update(int pos, int val) { for (; pos <= n; pos += (pos & (-pos))) bit[pos] += val; }↵
int query(int pos) {↵
int ans = 0;↵
for (; pos; pos -= (pos & (-pos))) ans += bit[pos];↵
return ans;↵
int find_ancestor(int node) {↵
int lca = node;↵
for (int i = 17; ~i; i--) {↵
if (anc[lca][i] && query(tin[anc[lca][i]]) == query(tin[node])) lca = anc[lca][i];↵
return lca;↵
int main() {↵
freopen("disconnect.in", "r", stdin);↵
freopen("disconnect.out", "w", stdout);↵
cin >> n >> m;↵
FOR(i, 1, n) {↵
int a, b;↵
cin >> a >> b;↵
int v = 0;↵
while (m--) {↵
int t, x, y;↵
cin >> t >> x >> y;↵
int a = x ^ v, b = y ^ v;↵
if (t == 1) {↵
if (anc[b][0] == a) swap(a, b);↵
update(tin[a], 1);↵
update(tout[a], -1);↵
} else {↵
if (find_ancestor(a) == find_ancestor(b)) {↵
cout << "YES\n";↵
v = a;↵
} else {↵
cout << "NO\n";↵
v = b;↵
return 0;↵
## Problem 2 — [JOIOC 2013 Synchronization](https://oj.uz/problem/view/JOI13_synchronization)↵
Here's the gist of the problem:↵
You're given a tree with $N$ nodes. Each edge is initially deactivated and each node stores a unique piece of information.↵
There are $M$ events. During event $i$, the state of exactly 1 edge is toggled.↵
When the edge $(u, v)$ becomes activated, $u$'s component and $v$'s component merge and "sync up". All nodes in the merged component will contain all the information stored on the other nodes in the component.↵
After all these events, you want to know how many unique pieces of information are stored in each node.↵
$N \leq 10^5$ and $M \leq 2 \cdot 10^5$↵
### Solution↵
Firstly, root the tree arbitrarily. Let $a_i$ be the amount of unique information stored on node $i$. Let $c_i$ be the amount of unique information stored on node $i$the last time the edge from node $i$ to its parent was activatedright before the edge from node $i$ to its parent was deactivated.↵
Notice how if we make the edge $(u, v)$ activated, then the new amount of information on all nodes in the merged component is $a_u + a_v - c_v$.↵
This gives us a way to find the amount of information on the merged component, but we still need a way to set each node in the component to have that amount of information.↵
Fortunately, we don't have to do that!↵
Since each node in a component has the same amount of information, we can just store that amount in the "root" (i.e. the lowest node) of the component. Let the root of $i$'s component be $root[i]$. The amount of information stored on $i$ is thus $a_{root[i]}$.↵
When we deactivate the edge $(u, v)$, $v$ becomes the root of its new component and $root[u]$ doesn't change. This means we can simply set $a_v$ and $c_v$ to equal $a_{root[u]}$ when that happens (we don't care what $a_v$ and $c_v$ were before this).↵
But how do we find the root of a component?↵
$root_u$ is the lowest ancestor of $u$ such that the path from $u$ to $root_u$ contains no deactivated edges. We can thus use the same idea we used for the previous problem, but this time, all edges initially have their weight equal to 1 instead of 0.↵
Using binary lifting, we can find the root of any component in $O(\log^2 N)$ time.↵
This solution runs in $O(M \log^2 N)$ time.↵
<spoiler summary="My code for this problem">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
#define FOR(i, x, y) for (int i = x; i < y; i++)↵
typedef long long ll;↵
using namespace std;↵
int n, m, q;↵
bool active[100001];↵
vector<int> graph[100001];↵
pair<int, int> edges[200001];↵
int info[100001], last_sync[100001];↵
int timer = 1, tin[100001], tout[100001];↵
int anc[100001][20];↵
void dfs(int node = 1, int parent = 0) {↵
anc[node][0] = parent;↵
for (int i = 1; i < 20 && anc[node][i - 1]; i++) {↵
anc[node][i] = anc[anc[node][i - 1]][i - 1];↵
info[node] = 1;↵
tin[node] = timer++;↵
for (int i : graph[node]) if (i != parent) dfs(i, node);↵
tout[node] = timer;↵
int bit[100001];↵
void update(int pos, int val) { for (; pos <= n; pos += (pos & (-pos))) bit[pos] += val; }↵
int query(int pos) {↵
int ans = 0;↵
for (; pos; pos -= (pos & (-pos))) ans += bit[pos];↵
return ans;↵
int find_ancestor(int node) {↵
int lca = node;↵
for (int i = 19; ~i; i--) {↵
if (anc[lca][i] && query(tin[anc[lca][i]]) == query(tin[node])) lca = anc[lca][i];↵
return lca;↵
int main() {↵
cin >> n >> m >> q;↵
FOR(i, 1, n) {↵
cin >> edges[i].first >> edges[i].second;↵
FOR(i, 1, n + 1) {↵
update(tin[i], -1);↵
update(tout[i], 1);↵
while (m--) {↵
int x;↵
cin >> x;↵
int u = edges[x].first, v = edges[x].second;↵
if (anc[u][0] == v) swap(u, v);↵
if (active[x]) {↵
info[v] = last_sync[v] = info[find_ancestor(u)];↵
update(tin[v], -1);↵
update(tout[v], 1);↵
} else {↵
info[find_ancestor(u)] += info[v] - last_sync[v];↵
update(tin[v], 1);↵
update(tout[v], -1);↵
active[x] = !active[x];↵
while (q--) {↵
int x;↵
cin >> x;↵
cout << info[find_ancestor(x)] << '\n';↵
return 0;↵
## Conclusion↵
I hope you've learned something from this tutorial. If anything is unclear, please let me know in the comments below.↵
## Additional problems↵
- [COCI 2020 Putovanje](https://oj.uz/problem/view/COCI20_putovanje)↵
- [JOI 2015 Railroad](https://joi2015ho.contest.atcoder.jp/tasks/joi2015ho_a) but on a general tree instead of a line↵
- [USACO 2015 Max Flow](http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=576)↵
- [SACO 2015 Towers](https://saco-evaluator.org.za/cms/sapo2015) (Doesn't use a Fenwick tree but has a similar idea)↵
I've come across several problems that require you to be able to efficiently find the sum of some values on a path from $A$ to $B$ in a tree. One can solve these problems using tree decomposition techniques like heavy-light decomposition or centroid decomposition, but that's a bit of an overkill and not very elegant in my opinion.↵
In this blog post, I will describe a way to solve these types of problems using just a DFS, a Fenwick tree, and LCA
**Note: Whenever I talk about edge $(u, v)$ in this post, I assume that $u$ is the parent of $v$.**↵
## Prerequisites↵
- DFS↵
- Preorder traversal (DFS order)↵
- Fenwick tree↵
- Binary lifting and LCA↵
## The idea↵
Say you have the following problem:↵
> Given a tree with $N$ nodes, each node $i$ has a value $a_i$ that is initially 0. Support the following 2 types of operations in $O(\log N)$ time:↵
> ↵
> 1. Increase the value of $a_i$ by $X$↵
> 2. Find the sum of $a_i$ on the path from $u$ to $v$ for 2 nodes $u$ and $v$↵
First, we flatten the tree using a preorder traversal. Let the time we enter node $i$ be $tin_i$ and the time we exit it be $tout_i$. Additionally,
If you're familiar with LCA, you'll know that node $u$ is an ancestor of node $v$ if and only if $tin_u \leq tin_v$ and $tout_u \geq tout_v$.↵
If you're familiar with range updates and point queries with Fenwick trees, you'll know that if we want to incre
We can combine the 2 ideas above to work on trees — if we want to incre
We can then use LCA and the principle of inclusion-exclusion to find the sum of nodes/edges on the path between nodes $u$ and $v$.↵
This idea also works if we want to sum edges instead of nodes — when we update edge $(u, v)$, update $b[tin_v]$ and $b[tout_v + 1]$ and make queries similarly.↵
## Problem 1 — [Infoarena Disconnect](https://www.infoarena.ro/problema/disconnect)↵
Here's the gist of the problem:↵
You're given a tree with $N$ nodes. Process $M$ of the following queries online:↵
1. Delete the edge $(u, v)$ from the path.↵
2. Determine whether there is a path from $u$ to $v$.↵
$N \leq 10^5$ and $M \leq 5 \cdot 10^5$↵
### Solution↵
Let the value of each edge in the tree initially be 0. When we "delete" an edge, we just update its value to be 1.↵
Notice how there is a path from $u$ to $v$ if and only if the sum of edges on the path between $u$ and $v$ is 0.↵
We can then apply
- Find the lowest ancestor $l_u$ of $u$ such that the sum of the edges between $u$ and $l_u$ is 0↵
- We can do this using binary lifting and our trick↵
- Find $l_v$ similarly for $v$.↵
- Check whether $l_u$ is an ancestor of $v$ and whether $l_v$ is an ancestor of $u$.↵
This solution runs in $O(M \log^2 N)$ time.↵
<spoiler summary="My code for this problem">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
#define FOR(i, x, y) for (int i = x; i < y; i++)↵
typedef long long ll;↵
using namespace std;↵
int n, m;↵
vector<int> graph[100001];↵
int timer = 1, tin[100001], tout[100001];↵
int anc[100001][18];↵
void dfs(int node = 1, int parent = 0) {↵
anc[node][0] = parent;↵
for (int i = 1; i < 18 && anc[node][i - 1]; i++)↵
anc[node][i] = anc[anc[node][i - 1]][i - 1];↵
tin[node] = timer++;↵
for (int i : graph[node]) if (i != parent) dfs(i, node);↵
tout[node] = timer;↵
int bit[100001];↵
void update(int pos, int val) { for (; pos <= n; pos += (pos & (-pos))) bit[pos] += val; }↵
int query(int pos) {↵
int ans = 0;↵
for (; pos; pos -= (pos & (-pos))) ans += bit[pos];↵
return ans;↵
int find_ancestor(int node) {↵
int lca = node;↵
for (int i = 17; ~i; i--) {↵
if (anc[lca][i] && query(tin[anc[lca][i]]) == query(tin[node])) lca = anc[lca][i];↵
return lca;↵
int main() {↵
freopen("disconnect.in", "r", stdin);↵
freopen("disconnect.out", "w", stdout);↵
cin >> n >> m;↵
FOR(i, 1, n) {↵
int a, b;↵
cin >> a >> b;↵
int v = 0;↵
while (m--) {↵
int t, x, y;↵
cin >> t >> x >> y;↵
int a = x ^ v, b = y ^ v;↵
if (t == 1) {↵
if (anc[b][0] == a) swap(a, b);↵
update(tin[a], 1);↵
update(tout[a], -1);↵
} else {↵
if (find_ancestor(a) == find_ancestor(b)) {↵
cout << "YES\n";↵
v = a;↵
} else {↵
cout << "NO\n";↵
v = b;↵
return 0;↵
## Problem 2 — [JOIOC 2013 Synchronization](https://oj.uz/problem/view/JOI13_synchronization)↵
Here's the gist of the problem:↵
You're given a tree with $N$ nodes. Each edge is initially deactivated and each node stores a unique piece of information.↵
There are $M$ events. During event $i$, the state of exactly 1 edge is toggled.↵
When the edge $(u, v)$ becomes activated, $u$'s component and $v$'s component merge and "sync up". All nodes in the merged component will contain all the information stored on the other nodes in the component.↵
After all these events, you want to know how many unique pieces of information are stored in each node.↵
$N \leq 10^5$ and $M \leq 2 \cdot 10^5$↵
### Solution↵
Firstly, root the tree arbitrarily. Let $a_i$ be the amount of unique information stored on node $i$. Let $c_i$ be the amount of unique information stored on node $i$
Notice how if we make the edge $(u, v)$ activated, then the new amount of information on all nodes in the merged component is $a_u + a_v - c_v$.↵
This gives us a way to find the amount of information on the merged component, but we still need a way to set each node in the component to have that amount of information.↵
Fortunately, we don't have to do that!↵
Since each node in a component has the same amount of information, we can just store that amount in the "root" (i.e. the lowest node) of the component. Let the root of $i$'s component be $root[i]$. The amount of information stored on $i$ is thus $a_{root[i]}$.↵
When we deactivate the edge $(u, v)$, $v$ becomes the root of its new component and $root[u]$ doesn't change. This means we can simply set $a_v$ and $c_v$ to equal $a_{root[u]}$ when that happens (we don't care what $a_v$ and $c_v$ were before this).↵
But how do we find the root of a component?↵
$root_u$ is the lowest ancestor of $u$ such that the path from $u$ to $root_u$ contains no deactivated edges. We can thus use the same idea we used for the previous problem, but this time, all edges initially have their weight equal to 1 instead of 0.↵
Using binary lifting, we can find the root of any component in $O(\log^2 N)$ time.↵
This solution runs in $O(M \log^2 N)$ time.↵
<spoiler summary="My code for this problem">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
#define FOR(i, x, y) for (int i = x; i < y; i++)↵
typedef long long ll;↵
using namespace std;↵
int n, m, q;↵
bool active[100001];↵
vector<int> graph[100001];↵
pair<int, int> edges[200001];↵
int info[100001], last_sync[100001];↵
int timer = 1, tin[100001], tout[100001];↵
int anc[100001][20];↵
void dfs(int node = 1, int parent = 0) {↵
anc[node][0] = parent;↵
for (int i = 1; i < 20 && anc[node][i - 1]; i++) {↵
anc[node][i] = anc[anc[node][i - 1]][i - 1];↵
info[node] = 1;↵
tin[node] = timer++;↵
for (int i : graph[node]) if (i != parent) dfs(i, node);↵
tout[node] = timer;↵
int bit[100001];↵
void update(int pos, int val) { for (; pos <= n; pos += (pos & (-pos))) bit[pos] += val; }↵
int query(int pos) {↵
int ans = 0;↵
for (; pos; pos -= (pos & (-pos))) ans += bit[pos];↵
return ans;↵
int find_ancestor(int node) {↵
int lca = node;↵
for (int i = 19; ~i; i--) {↵
if (anc[lca][i] && query(tin[anc[lca][i]]) == query(tin[node])) lca = anc[lca][i];↵
return lca;↵
int main() {↵
cin >> n >> m >> q;↵
FOR(i, 1, n) {↵
cin >> edges[i].first >> edges[i].second;↵
FOR(i, 1, n + 1) {↵
update(tin[i], -1);↵
update(tout[i], 1);↵
while (m--) {↵
int x;↵
cin >> x;↵
int u = edges[x].first, v = edges[x].second;↵
if (anc[u][0] == v) swap(u, v);↵
if (active[x]) {↵
info[v] = last_sync[v] = info[find_ancestor(u)];↵
update(tin[v], -1);↵
update(tout[v], 1);↵
} else {↵
info[find_ancestor(u)] += info[v] - last_sync[v];↵
update(tin[v], 1);↵
update(tout[v], -1);↵
active[x] = !active[x];↵
while (q--) {↵
int x;↵
cin >> x;↵
cout << info[find_ancestor(x)] << '\n';↵
return 0;↵
## Conclusion↵
I hope you've learned something from this tutorial. If anything is unclear, please let me know in the comments below.↵
## Additional problems↵
- [COCI 2020 Putovanje](https://oj.uz/problem/view/COCI20_putovanje)↵
- [JOI 2015 Railroad](https://joi2015ho.contest.atcoder.jp/tasks/joi2015ho_a) but on a general tree instead of a line↵
- [USACO 2015 Max Flow](http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=viewproblem2&cpid=576)↵
- [SACO 2015 Towers](https://saco-evaluator.org.za/cms/sapo2015) (Doesn't use a Fenwick tree but has a similar idea)↵