Question about problem 233 — B. Non-square Equation

Правка en2, от Bekh, 2019-06-09 06:14:45


In problem: 233B - Неквадратное уравнение
I was wondering why in submissions like this 12604154 it is sufficient to only check a small range around the square root of n. How can I deduct something like this from the equation, and how to prove it?


Теги #math, #help


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en5 Английский Bekh 2019-06-12 23:55:08 102
en4 Английский Bekh 2019-06-09 08:50:34 2 Tiny change: '* S(X) + {S(X)}^2$ ' -> '* S(X) + {(S(X))}^2$ '
en3 Английский Bekh 2019-06-09 08:49:07 382 Tiny change: ' S(X) = N$, or $X + S(X)' -> ' S(X) = N$ $OR$ $X + S(X)'
en2 Английский Bekh 2019-06-09 06:14:45 30 Tiny change: 'lo, \n\nI was wo' -> 'lo, \n\nIn problem: [problem:233B]\nI was wo'
en1 Английский Bekh 2019-06-09 06:13:48 293 Initial revision (published)