Hi everyone!
I gave a contest in winter Petrozavodsk programming camp and now I'd like to share it with codeforces by making it a contest in codeforces gym: 2018-2019 Зимние Петрозаводские сборы, Oleksandr Kulkov Contest 1. It was my first experience giving a contest to the camp and I'm pretty much excited about it!
In the camp only 7 out of 11 problems were solved, so there should be something in the contest for everyone. To make the contest more interesting I suggest you to participate in it as live contest on Saturday, 9 March, 12:00 (UTC+3), which may be changed in case of overlap with some other contest or if it's inconvenient for many participants. After this I suggest to gather here and discuss problems (if anyone's going to participate, of course). I will also post editorial which may (or may not) contain some neat stuff.
Uhm, good luck and have fun :)