Country | University | Member1 | Member2 | Member3 | Team Rating |
Russia | Moscow State University | LHiC | V--o_o--V | vintage_Vlad_Makeev | 3457.91965512217 |
USA | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | xyz111 | ecnerwala | ksun48 | 3396.06063563062 |
Poland | University of Warsaw | Radewoosh | Chameleon2460 | tribute_to_Ukraine_2022 | 3263.16270404859 |
Japan | The University of Tokyo | sigma425 | maroonrk | yosupo | 3076.49331681073 |
South Korea | KAIST | ko_osaga | alex9801 | .o. | 2986.83697934012 |
United Kingdom | University of Oxford | geniucos | fanache99 | atatomir | 2865.28371206905 |
Russia | Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology | amethyst0 | AndreySergunin | irkstepanov | 2854.86648509758 |
China | Nanjing University | AceSrc | gisp_zjz | zyb | 2846.16805914869 |
China | Peking University | rxdoi | fkguyx042 | Remilia-Scarlet1 | 2769.39545697676 |
China | Tsinghua University | JOHNKRAM | shigule | ufo | 2730.65642306402 |
South Korea | Seoul National University | khsoo01 | kdh9949 | Namnamseo | 2726.56660794395 |
United Kingdom | University of Cambridge | _h_ | Zoli9 | lamejeck | 2726.14792196775 |
Hong Kong | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | nhho | hohomu | jasonyik | 2722.76460117222 |
Croatia | University of Zagreb | DBradac | IvL | dpaleka | 2721.631555338 |
Russia | St. Petersburg ITMO University | PoDuReM | josdas | romanasa | 2718.50986721247 |
China | Fudan University | Gromah | abc473848880 | wxy_z | 2707.62245601999 |
Poland | University of Wroclaw | yarek | Anadi | MicGor | 2696.69825864365 |
Russia | Ural Federal University | Madball | Programmer007 | Apollon76 | 2686.25649164777 |
USA | Stanford University | desert97 | ericxu0 | yum | 2665.92463226062 |
China | Beihang University | Deng1X | ShinriiTin | Toxel | 2657.3631296722 |
Russia | National Research University Higher School of Economics | qoo2p5 | super_azbuka | grphil | 2657.21814898661 |
North Korea | KimChaek University of Technology | black_horse2014 | kutengine | developer227 | 2655.05062985281 |
Russia | Saratov State University | BledDest | Roms | adedalic | 2647.69833593363 |
Iran | Sharif University of Technology | M.Mahdi | SeyedParsa | LiTi | 2633.09134805388 |
USA | Columbia University | vlecomte | aditya1495 | | 2622.47772842688 |
India | Indian Institute of Technology — Kanpur | yashChandnani | gravito12345 | Beast_Within | 2586.28638467984 |
India | Chennai Mathematical Institute | rajat1603 | AnonymousBunny | DP99 | 2569.62458006634 |
Japan | University of Tsukuba | nuip | hugeh0ge | reew2n | 2566.59673887234 |
India | IIIT-Delhi | cerberus97 | polingy | sup_bro | 2563.61670634651 |
China | Zhejiang University | lsmll | jiangshibiao | lzw4896s | 2543.67624309794 |
Brazil | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco | tfg | luucasv | diogo | 2533.76446653611 |
Canada | University of Waterloo | --d | Xylofo | iburinoc | 2528.31557365906 |
Belarus | Belarusian State University | Lollipop | kimden | greencis | 2528.08581034906 |
Indonesia | Universitas Indonesia | ayaze | DigiM | IgoRamli | 2517.05420287425 |
Germany | Technische Universität München | lumibons | Gregory | fleimgruber | 2512.12544076699 |
Vietnam | Hanoi University of Science and Technology | Quang | ladpro98 | Boros_ | 2506.43653913093 |
Belarus | Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics | totsamyzed | hloya_ygrt | rui-de | 2494.69512003234 |
Egypt | Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University | TripleM5da | KhaledKEE | Abdelrhman_Akram | 2487.04187540236 |
Italy | Scuola Normale Superiore | cip999 | fram | Delfad0r | 2472.43113947627 |
Taiwan | National Taiwan University | johnchen902 | nonamefour0210 | wangyenjen | 2466.70305641013 |
India | Indian Institute of Technology — Kharagpur | pranjal.ssh | Sumeet.Shirgure | Chenghiz | 2455.55836584378 |
Kazakhstan | Kazakh-British Technical University | Aeon | NurlashKO | Zharaskhan | 2447.58946278249 |
Serbia | University of Nis — Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics | ivan100sic | vucislav | lazar96 | 2446.16527561127 |
India | Indian Institute of Technology — Madras | teja349 | pranav0123 | raja1999 | 2442.95855395192 |
Spain | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | metatron | OneStone | cescmentation_folch | 2429.17565735296 |
India | Indian Institute of Technology — Roorkee | spj_29 | deva2802 | abhikalpu_123 | 2428.55754450453 |
USA | The University of Texas at Austin | masonsbro | mIXs | ryanr1230 | 2426.06700615574 |
Brazil | Universidade de Sao Paulo — Campus de Sao Carlos | samuelfgs | LoppA | nonsequitur | 2418.81328943423 |
China | East China Normal University | ultmaster | kblack | zerolin | 2415.69696932923 |
Kazakhstan | International IT University | Temirlan | Reventon | NaughtyMorzh | 2410.5893459098 |
Russia | St. Petersburg Campus of Higher School of Economics | afedor | Eran | IgorL | 2371.02019087904 |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology | _Ash__ | Arg_007 | t.muttaqueen | 2358.91809360465 |
Latvia | University of Latvia | Pakalns | Instasamka | Ingus | 2357.22226227109 |
Russia | St. Petersburg State University | andrey.zavarin | Agreb | fadeeva.kate.22.03 | 2349.01024835556 |
Brazil | Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronautica | splucs | leaomatheus | LucasS | 2349.0013354127 |
Taiwan | National Chiao Tung University | ss1h2a3tw | cthbst | harryoooooooooo | 2335.91294714252 |
USA | University of Central Florida | SecondThread | Harpae | gigabuffoon | 2332.09221925005 |
New Zealand | The University of Auckland | qingczha | sadobson97 | sheepmolester | 2331.00103371789 |
China | Southeast University, China | CoupDeGrace | Aguin | fifteen | 2330.98289537169 |
Canada | University of British Columbia | ehnryx | brandonzhang | zhed | 2330.78978041239 |
Brazil | Universidade Federal de Campina Grande | Arthurvtr | Emiso | guga | 2326.3602193334 |
Mexico | Escuela Superior De Computo Instituto Politecnico Nacional | Marckess | galloska | alaneos777 | 2323.06931291106 |
China | Nanjing University of Science and Technology | Grunt | henryrabbit | starry2024 | 2319.50274049848 |
Estonia | University of Tartu | loomas | SLLN | -is-this-fft- | 2318.00394718291 |
Egypt | German University in Cairo | aabdelzaher | Omar_Morsi | Kharouba | 2315.84957778839 |
Romania | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Ia?i | Juve45 | cristian1997 | Djok216 | 2314.10920791105 |
China | Beijing Normal University | MisakaKuma | Forever_you | zhuaiballl | 2310.67805978997 |
Iran | Amirkabir University of Technology | Man | Arpa | Taxman | 2309.2765767236 |
Iran | Shahid Beheshti University | AminAnvari | mrm_196 | Erfan.aa | 2298.67478564251 |
Ukraine | National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" | vlad8 | NegaTeeF | Cyber | 2293.61910229517 |
India | Indian Institute of Technology — Patna | Equinox | I_Love_Equinox | SureYeaah | 2283.12913678228 |
Mexico | ITESM Campus Monterrey | eidan | EliasMera | Diegogrc | 2275.30367836319 |
Singapore | National University of Singapore | btzy | bayweiheng | sidhant | 2268.50238938055 |
China | Xi'an Jiaotong University | zbh2047 | justarandomstring | Luffbee | 2262.37069022012 |
Argentina | Universidad Nacional de Rosario | brimix__ | mredigonda | indexs | 2257.50905223348 |
Brazil | University of Brasilia | Nson | Lius | rchehab | 2249.07389477714 |
Egypt | Cairo University — Faculty of Computers and Information | compiler_101 | eagle93 | wewark | 2243.52521979874 |
Argentina | Universidad Nacional de Córdoba — FaMAF | ec24 | mrz | MarcosK | 2241.22479087414 |
Cuba | Universidad de La Habana | BlackTools | yagamiL | albeXL | 2208.58774342585 |
Vietnam | University of Engineering and Technology — VNU | dthangnguyen19 | lazyc97 | Slumdog | 2206.58996906776 |
Egypt | Faculty of Engineering- Mansoura University | Omar_Elawady | abdulla.ashraf | sara_elkady | 2199.34016388824 |
China | Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University | mosfjh | africamonkey | 8300590 | 2196.46761470086 |
Peru | Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería — FC | racsosabe | Valgt | Bashca | 2184.58447359397 |
China | South China University of Technology | yang12138 | PumpkinYing | Mappy007 | 2179.85034433122 |
Syria | Al-Baath University | Daniar | waow | ghostwarrior | 2176.33594698389 |
India | Indian Institute of Technology — Bombay | superman_k | Pratyush1019 | evilbuggy | 2172.26573525296 |
Colombia | Universidad Nacional de Colombia — Bogotá | -osdajigu- | mavd09 | .vr | 2154.30451546689 |
Cuba | Universidad de Oriente — Sede Antonio Maceo | Ernestico | YuriAO | yordanlp | 2139.56358352414 |
Russia | Northern (Arctic) Federal University | Svenny | ijnhtrgdew | Artichoke | 2130.762569323 |
Argentina | Universidad Tecnológica Nacional — Facultad Regional Santa Fe | lsantire | matramos | reaper703 | 2101.14486176147 |
China | Guangdong University of Technology | Maplesss | yang825641085 | john123741 | 2087.69664201895 |
USA | South Dakota School of Mines and Technology | lrvideckis | mdpfeifer | [user:] | 2061.828649341 |
Brazil | Instituto Militar de Engenharia | laderlappen | samuraiexx | rebecacalazans | 2050.12570110057 |
Mexico | Instituto Tecnológico Superior del Sur de Guanajuato | sggutier | OrlandoIsay | Thanya_Leif | 2030.68118012186 |
Bangladesh | Shahjalal University of Science and Technology | ovis96 | mk_Shahriar | Jubair_2147483647 | 2006.35947999623 |
Indonesia | Bina Nusantara University | HansvinTS | AVM.Martin | ekeitaro | 2004.16671093757 |
Syria | Aleppo University | SmokeOut | ThePhenomenal | watheq | 1975.02632564591 |
Colombia | Universidad de los Andes, Colombia | limboguard | idgaf | jdanielfandino | 1806.7934252002 |
USA | University of Wisconsin — Madison | sengi | Assancious | divide_by_zero | 1695.46846540086 |
USA | Carnegie Mellon University | 1 | |||
USA | Colorado School of Mines | 1 | |||
USA | Drexel University | 1 | |||
USA | Duke University | 1 | |||
USA | Harvard University | 1 | |||
USA | Princeton University | 1 | |||
USA | University of Chicago | 1 | |||
USA | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 1 | |||
USA | University of Nebraska — Lincoln | 1 | |||
USA | University of Southern California | 1 | |||
Georgia | International Black Sea University | 1 | |||
Russia | Moscow Aviation Institute | 1 | |||
Australia | The University of New South Wales | 1 | |||
Australia | The University of Western Australia | 1 | |||
Switzerland | ETH Zürich | 1 | |||
Netherlands | Leiden University | 1 | |||
Bulgaria | Sofia University | 1 | |||
Portugal | Universidade do Porto | 1 | |||
France | École Normale Supérieure de Paris | 1 | |||
Lebanon | American University of Beirut, Faculty of Arts and Science | 1 | |||
Syria | Damascus University | 1 | |||
Syria | Damascus University | 1 | |||
Egypt | Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University | 1 | |||
Syria | Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology | 1 | |||
Lebanon | Lebanese American University | 1 | |||
Syria | Syrian Virtual University | 1 | |||
Egypt | The American University in Cairo | 1 | |||
South Africa | University of Cape Town | 1 | |||
China | Harbin Institute of Technology | 1 | |||
China | Northeastern University (China) | 1 | |||
China | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | 1 | |||
Japan | Kyoto University | 1 | |||
Japan | Waseda University | 1 | |||
Mexico | Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México | 1 | |||
Costa Rica | Tecnológico de Costa Rica | 1 | |||
Argentina | Universidad de Buenos Aires — FCEN | 1 |
Gonna update the list once other teams are known. In the meantime, who do you think will lead the standings?