Hello cf, according to the [editorial](http://codeforces.me/blog/entry/12277) of [241C](http://codeforces.me/contest/416/problem/C) problem the group which will pay maximum should be assigned to the smallest sized table to which it can fit. Can anybody prove this is optimal strategy?<br>↵
Also the problem has a tag of dp, so how to solve this problem using dp?<br>↵
Any help is highly appreciated.<br>↵
**Those who are downvoting the post should kindly state why in the comments**. According to me this is a perfectly valid question and I can't understand why are people downvoting it. Let me guess. Yes, they are a**holes.
Also the problem has a tag of dp, so how to solve this problem using dp?<br>↵
Any help is highly appreciated.<br>↵
**Those who are downvoting the post should kindly state why in the comments**. According to me this is a perfectly valid question and I can't understand why are people downvoting it. Let me guess. Yes, they are a**holes.