Need help with solving recurrence in problem round #140 div2 — C — Flying Saucer Segments

Revision en1, by Bekh, 2018-08-15 07:10:03

Here's the problem : 227C - Flying Saucer Segments

In the editorial here: We ended up having Fn = 3*(F(n-1) + 1) — 1 Could somebody please elaborate on how to get we got ((3^n) — 1) from the recurrence? Sorry if this is a newbie question I'm trying to learn more on the topic.

Tags recurrence, recurrence relation, proof


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English Bekh 2018-08-15 07:10:26 2 Tiny change: 'p having Fn = 3*(F(n-' -> 'p having F(n) = 3*(F(n-'
en1 English Bekh 2018-08-15 07:10:03 415 Initial revision (published)