Its been a while that I've made some video on competitive programming.
The problem that I want to talk about today is:
You are given an array A of size N < 1000 with elements upto 1018.
You have to print any subset S such that:
1. The AND resultant of all elements in S is 0.
2. The AND resultant of any 2 elements in S is not 0.
The problem looks easy but is quite twisted, and can be solved once you pick up the hidden observation here.
I read this problem sometime back in Petr's blog and wanted to share the solution with you guys.
Check out the video here: https://goo.gl/Pu9gZQ
Its difficult to pick up such observations but this is what I like about Competitive Programming. It makes you smarter gradually and you start looking at things in a different manner.
Happy Coding!