I noticed that there aren't too many video tutorials for Codeforces problems. There are text editorials but the solutions can be hard to understand and/or implement. Because of this, I decided to create a website with video tutorials of Codeforces & USACO problems. I'm also dividing the problems by topic and difficulty.
The website isn't finished yet, I only made a video tutorial for one problem but here is the website: https://www.vplanetcoding.com/.
I started by taking one problem, 893C - Слух, and creating a video tutorial explaining Depth-First Search(DFS) and the solution to the problem. At the end of the video, I wrote the C++ code without complex syntax and I explained the code, line-by-line, as I wrote it.
I think that explaining the code for the solution will help a lot of people implement the solution.
I know that many people know DFS, but there are many people who don't know DFS who this tutorial will benefit.
Here is the video: https://www.vplanetcoding.com/course-2-standard-algorithms-and-data-structures#1