I think some will agree with my opinions and some might feel it is not necessary in Competitive Programming. But, I feel that programming is not just about writing a correct a code that solves the purpose, but also how the code looks.
Everyone have their own style of writing codes. One of the persons whom I admire the most is rajat1603(Rajat De). Rajat's codes are very well formatted and obviously they are correct. I think the people who are learning from reading other's code get benefited from these beautiful codes a lot. I personally feel very happy after seeing Rajat's code. There are also various other coders who code beautifully like our legendary champion tourist(Gennady Korotkevich).
I just want to advice everyone to write your codes like its your personal signature, follow your own style and maintain a symmetry. Try it, feels good. I am not a very good problem solver neither a good blogger. I just love beautiful codes.
Please give suggestions, how this can be encouraged.
- Extra points can be awarded if possible during contests.
- A new rating like contribution and contests rating for code beauty.