AtCoder Beginner Contest 064

Правка en2, от Emilbek, 2017-06-10 15:46:58

AtCoder Beginner Contest 064 will be held.

Time: June 10th (Saturday), 21:00 JST

Duration: 100 minutes

Number of Tasks: 4

writer: E869120, square1001

Rating: 0-1199

The point values are: 100 — 200 — 300 — 400

We are looking forward to your participation!

Let's discuss after the contest.


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en2 Английский Emilbek 2017-06-10 15:46:58 2 Tiny change: ': 0-1199\nThe poin' -> ': 0-1199\n\nThe poin'
en1 Английский Emilbek 2017-06-10 09:42:33 516 Initial revision (published)