The problem D in the latest Open Cup involves function f(n) which is defined as the minimum sum of sequence b1,...,bk such that any sequence a1,...,al with sum less than or equal to n can be dominated by some subsequence of b. It turns out that f(n) = n + f(k) + f(n − 1 − k) where k = [(n − 1) / 2]. If this equation still keeps you up at night, you can finally sleep well now. I have found a wonderful proof of this statement which fits the bounds of this site.
Two sides of the coin
Let us construct the b sequence first.
Theorem 1. Let B1 be a sequence that covers all sequences with sum less than or equal to k. Let B2 be a sequence that covers all sequences with sum less than or equal to l. Let n = k + l + 1. Then sequence B1, n, B2 covers all sequences with sum less than or equal to n.
Proof. Let a1, ..., as be a sequence with sum less than or equal to n. Let t be the largest index such that a1 + ... + at ≤ k. Then the first t elements of sequence a can be dominated by some subsequence of B1. If t = s we don't need to go any further. Otherwise, the element at + 1 can be dominated by n and the rest of the sequence can be dominated by B2 since its sum is less than of equal to n − (a1 + ... + at + 1) ≤ n − k − 1 = l since the sum of first t + 1 elements of a is strictly greater than k by definition of t.
From Theorem 1 follows that f(n) ≤ mink(n + f(k) + f(n − 1 − k)).
Simple enough, but how to prove the lower bound?
First of all, any covering sequence must cover sequence with single element a1 = n and so must have element greater than or equal to n.
Theorem 2. Let B = B1, m, B2 be an arbitrary split of a sequence that covers all sequences with sum less than or equal to n. Let k be the largest number such that all sequences with sum less than or equal to k are covered by B1. Let l be the largest number such that all sequences with sum less than of equal to l are covered by B2. Then k + l ≥ n − 1.
Proof. Assume k + l ≤ n − 2. By definition of k there is sequence A1 with sum k + 1 which is not covered by B1. By definition of l there is sequence A2 with sum l + 1 which is not covered by B2. Let us consider sequence A1, A2. It has sum k + 1 + l + 1 ≤ n. Since A1 is not covered by B1, the latest element of A1 must be covered by m or element to the right of it. By the same logic, the first element of A2 must be covered by m or element to the left of it. But the latest element of A1 must be covered by element of B to the left of element covering the first element of A2. We arrive at the contradiction and so k + l ≥ n − 1.
If we split the sequence B at element greater than or equal to n, from Theorem 2 follows f(n) ≥ n + f(k) + f(l) where k + l ≥ n − 1. Since f(n) is non-decreasing we can set l = n − 1 − k and get f(n) ≥ mink(n + f(k) + f(n − 1 − k)).
Combining results from both theorems, we have f(n) = mink(n + f(k) + f(n − 1 − k)). QED.