[Link to github repo](
Github link : https://github.com/sukeesh/GoCF
* [Python Beautiful Soup](http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/)<br>↵

**How to install it?** <br>↵
- copy `gocf` and `incf` file to `/bin/` directory <br>↵
- give permissions to them by `sudo chmod 755 /bin/gocf` and `sudo chmod 755 /bin/incf` <br>↵
- Now create a directory in your `home` folder and name it `GoCF` <br>↵
- copy `Parse.py` from `GoCF_files` to `GoCF` and if neccessary do `chmod` <br>↵
**How to use it?** <br>↵
* Run `./install.sh`↵
* After the contest begins, fire up your terminal and type `incf`
#Edit : <br>↵
- Supports all the contests! :) <br>↵
- now GoCF Compiles your soltion<br>↵
- detects TLE [ timeout : `2 secs` ]<br>↵
- If Wrong Answer, shows `Input`, `Expected output` & `Received output` (easy debugging!)<br>↵
**That's it!**<br>↵
**Star it to show your support!** <br></p>↵
**Hope you guys like it!!**
* If you want to add a custom test case, `adcf` and enter problem code.↵
Added 'add Custom test case' feature and install script.↵
© [ Sukeesh ]