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Strange Behaviour Noticed

Revision en1, by NeverSayNever, 2016-01-16 19:54:05

Hi Everyone,

I would like to ask all of you about the cause for this kind of strange behaviour of my code with respect to little change.

I have made submission to the following problem Rebuild (January Clash Contest). I have made the following submission at first link here and got following result.

![ ]( )

I thought and checked for the possible reason of segmentation fault but could n't find one as everything was correct according to me then suddenly i made one small change and woohhhh amazingly it worked and the change was ..

![ ]()

![ ]()

I am still not convinced with whatever happened to me. After all what possible difference that an "equal to" can cause in this case. Please explain ?


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English NeverSayNever 2016-01-16 19:55:48 25
en1 English NeverSayNever 2016-01-16 19:54:05 1353 Initial revision (published)