Invitation to Arcadia Computing Contest 2

Revision en1, by kevlu8, 2025-03-16 23:55:44

Hi CodeForces!

I am proud to announce my first rated DMOJ contest!

The Arcadia Computing Contest 2 will be hosted from Wednesday, March 19th 15:15 PDT to Wednesday, March 26th 21:00 PDT. You will have a 2-hour window to solve 6 problems.

This contest is rated for all users with a rating under 1900 or without a rating.

Thanks to Riolku for coordination, and our army of testers (whom can be found on the contest page) for testing and feedback on all problems!


Tags dmoj, contest, rated


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English kevlu8 2025-03-16 23:55:44 574 Initial revision (published)