CrashForces, CloudflareForces... When can we use an Openjudge without Cloudflare?

Правка en1, от ask_silently, 2025-03-15 09:51:31

Since Codeforces started to use Cloudflare to 'protect' itself, almost everyone have to suffer from 504 and unstoppable CAPTCHAs. It is destroying the user experience, right now.

When you start to solve a problem, you need to wait for about 5 minutes to open the web sometimes...

In these years, many people suggested to stop using CloudFlare, but it never changes.

Stop using CloudFlare and buy a better server is what Mike to do. But he's just banning users, make strange rules and never fix problems.

Stop playing Genshin Impact on the servers, please.


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en1 Английский ask_silently 2025-03-15 09:51:31 648 Initial revision (published)