Eolymp Weekend Practice #5
Difference between en7 and en8, changed 2 character(s)
### **Hello Codeforces!**  ↵
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_**MathModel Setting Tour Continues!**_  ↵
I'm glad to share my tour of problem-setting with you! Recently, I have been setting problems for multiple platforms such as **CodeForces Gym, CodeChef, KEP and RoboContest !**, and more is coming $!$  ↵


![ ](https://codeforces.me/predownloaded/da/f3/daf314d0dcdb835fcfcd817a35619436f4008852.svg)↵

We are excited to announce a new [Weekend Practice round #5](https://basecamp.eolymp.com/uk/contests/n2f9epa4510sbe8o3dujppfl44) on [March 16, at 1
96 UTC](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=16&month=3&year=2025&hour=19&min=00&sec=0&p1=166). This is a **rated** competition at Eolymp.↵

#### **Format and Difficulty**↵
Same as in previous rounds, the competition is primarily aimed at improving practical skills. There will be 2 hours for 5 tasks of varying difficulty, the easiest of which can even be solved by beginners.↵

The scoring for each task being block-based (meaning points are awarded for each block of tests separately, and only if the solution passes all tests in the block). If there is a tie between two participants, the one whose last productive submission (i.e., a submission that added at least one point) was made earlier will be ranked higher in the leaderboard.↵

The statements will be available in the following languages: **English, Ukrainian, French, Spanish, Azerbaijani and Russian**.↵

#### **Registration**↵
You can join the competition on the [competition page](https://basecamp.eolymp.com/contests/1vakgi35sp4cd24th3vp7aekqg).↵

### **Prizes**↵
The top-10 participants of the competition, as well as 10 random participants from those who rank from 11th to 100th place, will receive prizes in the form of t-shirts. Please, note, that we have changed how prizes are awarded,↵

Visit [Frequently Asked Questions](https://eolymp.com/en/learning/weekend-practice#frequently-asked-questions) section to learn more.↵

#### **Thanks a lot to:**↵
- [user:Denisov,2025-03-10] for the epic coordination of the round.↵
- **Sergey Kolodyazhnyy** for creating Eolymp↵
- [user:MathModel,2025-03-10],[user:Denisov,2025-03-10] and [user:wuhudsm,2025-03-10] for authoring problems.↵
- [user:cry,2025-03-10] , [user:chromate00,2025-03-10] , [user:Timosh,2025-03-11] , [user:Satoru,2025-03-11] , [user:waipoli,2025-03-11] , [user:Pa_sha,2025-03-11] , [user:SashaT9,2025-03-11] , [user:160cm,2025-03-11] , [user:Ignut,2025-03-11] , [user:xGaz_,2025-03-11] , [user:barbie,2025-03-11] , [user:FBI,2025-03-11] and [user:draid,2025-03-11] for testing the contest.↵

#### **Sponsors**↵
This round is sponsored by [Pinely](https://pinely.com/).↵

Pinely is a dynamic company, which deals with algorithmic trading is privately held and self-funded, with offices in Singapore, the Netherlands and Cyprus. We specialize in high-frequency and ultra-low latency trading, striving to be among the best trading companies in the world.↵

To join our team, please send your resume to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).↵


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en9 English MathModel 2025-03-12 14:54:59 1 Tiny change: 'e contest.\n\n#### *' -> 'e contest. \n\n#### *'
en8 English MathModel 2025-03-11 14:25:29 2 Tiny change: 'h 16, at 19 UTC](http' -> 'h 16, at 16 UTC](http'
en7 English MathModel 2025-03-11 12:26:40 2 Tiny change: ' \n\n---\n![ ](htt' -> ' \n\n---\n\n![ ](htt'
en6 English MathModel 2025-03-11 11:39:05 28 Tiny change: '25-03-11] for test' -> '25-03-11] and [user:draid] for test'
en5 English MathModel 2025-03-11 10:07:46 45
en4 English MathModel 2025-03-11 09:54:42 129 (published)
en3 English MathModel 2025-03-11 09:52:03 141 Tiny change: 'n [March 15, at 19 UT' -> 'n [March 16, at 19 UT'
en2 English MathModel 2025-03-10 17:07:45 2065 Tiny change: 'dtime.html/day=16&mon' -> 'dtime.html?day=16&mon'
en1 English MathModel 2025-03-10 16:54:57 731 Initial revision (saved to drafts)