Lack of Div.1 rounds at "usual time"

Правка en3, от cockatooo_2025GM, 2025-03-07 19:50:15

By "usual time" I mean weekend 12:35 p.m. UTC+0 time. This is the most universal timezone that should cover almost all regions (would be from 6:35am-9:35am for PST time to 9:35pm-11:35pm for Japan time, the only major region being left out would be Australia/New Zealand). I looked at records starting from Jan 2023 and on average per month there are 1.25 Div.1 contests being held at "usual time".

However, this year in Feb and Mar there is not a single round at standard time — 1004 is on Tuesday, 1008 will be on Monday, and another one will be on Mar 15 at 1:35-4:35 a.m. EST time. For people like me it means no contest for 2 consecutive months.

Now, I understand the occasional unusual time — sometimes its because the contest is an online mirror, and it would be nice to have some diversity in time so people who are usually unable to participate can also join. HOWEVER, shouldn't we always try to put contests on weekends? A 12:35 UTC+0 contest on weekday would cover work/school hours for the entire Americas and most of Europe. I don't really see a reason to put contests on weekdays.

Just pointing this out in case contest moderators are not aware of this.


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en6 Английский cockatooo_2025GM 2025-03-07 23:13:30 9 Tiny change: ' round at standard time &mda' -> ' round at usual time &mda'
en5 Английский cockatooo_2025GM 2025-03-07 20:00:02 2 Tiny change: ':35 a.m. EST time. Fo' -> ':35 a.m. EDT time. Fo'
en4 Английский cockatooo_2025GM 2025-03-07 19:50:51 2 Tiny change: 'so join.\nHOWEVER,' -> 'so join.\n\nHOWEVER,'
en3 Английский cockatooo_2025GM 2025-03-07 19:50:15 10 Tiny change: 'n average there are' -> 'n average per month there are'
en2 Английский cockatooo_2025GM 2025-03-07 19:49:39 6
en1 Английский cockatooo_2025GM 2025-03-07 19:49:27 1209 Initial revision (published)