Looking for problems to test Sparse Gauss Elimination implementation

Revision en1, by tyristik, 2025-01-13 16:22:08

During the past week I've been working on implementing and optimizing Gauss elimination algorithm for sparse systems of linear equations (SLE). I took 2028E - Приключения Алисы в кроличьей норе as a reference: constructed 2e5 SLEs and put them into my solver. And starting from 20s runtime was able to optimize my algorithm to 1s (300847774), comfortably passing intended 2s TL.

Now I wanna try my implementation somewhere else. Can you share some other problems which are solvable by constructing big sparse SLE?

Tags sparse, gauss, elimination, algorithm


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en3 English tyristik 2025-01-20 21:17:20 1181 Tiny change: '$n = 2e5, $k = 6e5$, ' -> '$n = 2e5, k = 6e5$, '
en2 English tyristik 2025-01-13 16:25:12 18 Tiny change: 'ucted 2e5 SLEs and put ' -> 'ucted 2e5 linear equations and put '
en1 English tyristik 2025-01-13 16:22:08 570 Initial revision (published)