(Rolling) Range Sum Query of binomial coefficients

Правка en5, от arvindf232, 2025-01-07 23:18:52

This is absolutely a well known trick. However, I simply find no blogs discussing this (with a searchable title), so I hope to fill this gap in references.

This blog consists of one sentence

Range Sum Query of binomial coefficients is almost doable in a MO's rolling manner.

The details are easy to derive on your own. For the completness of the blog, they are included:

Consider the following simple range sum query problem on binomial coefficients

Problem Find the following sums , $$$B(l,r,n)=\sum_{i=l}^{r}\binom{n}{i}$$$, evaluated mod a prime.

It seems like there is no simple and realistic way to answer a single query any faster than $$$O(r-l+1)$$$. (Though as pointed out by Elegia, you could do something in $$$O(\sqrt{r-l})$$$ times log factors using some P-recursive concepts).

However, in many situations where we need to answer many such queries (e.g. as part of a counting process), the values of $$$B(l,r,n)$$$ we need change only slightly and predictably. In this case, we can answer all queries in essentially amortized $$$O(1)$$$.

Almost-Solution Suppose we know the answer to $$$B(l,r,n)$$$, then we can obtain answer to $$$B(l',r',n')$$$ in $$$O(|l-l'|+|r-r'|+|n-n'|)$$$ time.

Implementation Changing l,r are easy. For convenience:

  • l++: subtract by $$$\binom{n}{l}$$$
  • l--: add by $$$\binom{n}{l-1}$$$
  • r++: add by $$$\binom{n}{r+1}$$$
  • r--: subtract by $$$\binom{n}{r}$$$

To change n, we see that





This gives the equation for both incrementing n and decrementing n.

Remark We could also implement and analyse using only using binomial prefix, $$$B(r,n)=\sum_{i=0}^{r}\binom{n}{i}$$$. I decided to analyse the ranges version since it isn't difficult.

Remark The formula given has no special cases. Make sure that for non-negative integers $$$n$$$, $$$\binom{n}{i}=0$$$ for $$$i\not\in[0,n]$$$, and calculating them do not result in out-of-bounds error. In particular, it works for $$$n \leq 0 $$$ for the standard definition (allowing negative $$$n$$$), but this would be wrong because of $$$\binom{0}{0}=1=\binom{-1}{-1} +\binom{-1}{0}$$$ if we assumed $$$\binom{n}{i}=0$$$ for negative $$$n$$$ in implementation.

Exercise It is now easy to answer online queries of $$$B(l,r,n')$$$ with $$$O(n\sqrt{n})$$$ precalculation and $$$O(\sqrt{n})$$$ per query, for queries with $$$n'\leq n$$$.


Edit: Thanks to jeroenodb for these extra references


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en9 Английский arvindf232 2025-01-12 22:06:00 70
en8 Английский arvindf232 2025-01-08 15:07:17 144
en7 Английский arvindf232 2025-01-08 14:59:13 10
en6 Английский arvindf232 2025-01-08 14:58:03 55 Tiny change: ':2030G2]\n' -> ':2030G2]\n- [problem:1450H2] -- thanks to [user:A_G]\n'
en5 Английский arvindf232 2025-01-07 23:18:52 241 Tiny change: 'roblem:2023G2]\n' -> 'roblem:202G2]\n'
en4 Английский arvindf232 2025-01-07 21:34:31 46 Tiny change: 'om{0}{0}=1$ if we as' -> 'om{0}{0}=1=\binom{-1}{-1} +\binom{-1}{0}$ if we as'
en3 Английский arvindf232 2025-01-07 20:57:37 89 Tiny change: ' that for integers ' -> ' that for non-negative integers '
en2 Английский arvindf232 2025-01-07 20:54:42 140
en1 Английский arvindf232 2025-01-07 20:26:46 2736 Initial revision (published)